CARP suggested install order
Next week I'm going to install/configure two pfSense in CARP/HA configuration, what is the suggested procedure/order when starting fron scratch?
Should I configure a single box with everything (I need a number of VPNs, rules, two LANS etc.) and then at the end configure the second pfSense with CARP?
Or is better/suggested to configure CARP first and then make all the configuration?
Thank you in advance for your comments.
Some of your services may listen to CARP VIPs finally, especially you'll want to translate outbound traffic to the WAN CARP VIP. So you will have less work if you set up CARP at first and then configure the services, otherwise you have to reconfigure some things after adding CARP.
Thank you viragomann, it make sense :D, I'll start from CARP.