Changing WAN from ppoe to dhcp private IP
I have been running pfsense with dual wan setup for some years with no problem. Previous setup was
WAN - ppoe using adsl modem
wan2 - ppoe using VDSL modem
LAN simple dchp using range
a few port mappings, otherwise defaultI have been forced to change wan2 connection to vodafone VDSL router HHG2500. This is very limited - gives out private IP via dhcp with no way to disable NAT and noway to bridge / pass-through.
So I have changed wan2 to dhcp and unchecked block private networks. I can see it is connecting - getting via dhcp and connecting to VDSL router at
But no internet connection possible through wan2.
Before I start changing everything to try manual routing etc - am I missing something very simple? A firewall rule perhaps?
On VDSL router I have disabled the firewall and tried setting DMZ to, but no internet.I have spent a couple of hours searching on the forum but haven't been able to find any simple solution.
Thanks in advance - help appreciated.
You deleted the obsolete GW and created a new one at System: Routing?
Do you use load-balancing, policy-routing or failover with those two WANs? -
Yes, I deleted the obsolete GW and created a new one.
I have used failover previously, but currently only trying with one WAN at a time, the other being disabled. Image shows GW, with both apparently active, but if I disable WAN1 and try routing through WAN2, no connectivity.
I don't use any policy routing, very simple setup.
Any thoughts?
Managed to resolve the problem -
Although I had deleted the gateway and made a new one - pfsense "remembered" an old gateway-group - so was still trying to use old (non-existent) gateway within the group.
Added new gateway to gateway group - all working perfectly.