Accessing modem from inside firewall
I'm still waiting for a solution to this old problem.
Might be time to try posting to the forum for your native language.
Dude that is what you posted.. That you had 10/8 on you automatic rules
What can you not understand??? WTF really?? You posted this a while back..
So did you fix that now from your current post.. We have went over this and over this and over this..
Its not freaking rocket science… If its not working then you have the IPs wrong, or mask wrong or whatever.. Lets go over this basic concept yet again!!!
Device you want to get to is What is the mask on this?? Your using 8, ok that should work even if the other guy had different if your using But from your one posting your listing your address so I can not make out WTF your doing!!!! See pic attached where you post up with address of on pfsense..
Right from the help doc
Configure a new InterfaceA PPPoE WAN is actually assigned to a virtual PPPoE adapter, not the physical port.
Under Interfaces > (assign), create a new OPT interface, and assign it to the physical network card that is on WAN. For example, if the WAN on the assignment page is "PPPOE0(re2)", choose re2, and Save the changes.
Go to Interfaces > (new OPT interface), and Enable the interface. Give it an IP address in the same subnet as the modem, such as Do not set a gateway. Rename the interface to ModemAccess or a similar useful name.
So you have PPPoE interface right?????? And its on what physical interface on your pfsense box Re2, em0, eth1, what??? Post up a screen shot of your interfaces!!
If your using PPPoE then you DO NOT USE A VIP!!! you make sure you have an interface assigned to your physical wan interface.. Re2 if that is your wan.. You then give it an IP and mask in the network your modem devices is on.. if your modem is, you really should know what the mask is? But if you want to use /8 ok on this opt interface you created that is using re2 if you do not have a WAN interface already assigned to this?? POST UP YOUR INTERFACES!!!
How are you even sure this modem interface is What if you just turn the physical interface that is connected to this modem to dhcp.. Does the physical interface get an IP??
Assigned the underlying WAN interface used for PPPoE and setting up a GW pointing to the modem IP (which of course needs to be on a separate subnet) there takes about 2 minutes. Works for me everywhere. Worked with 2.2.x, still works exactly the same with 2.3.x. It does NOT take 1/4 year to get working. No messing with hybrid NAT and whatever nonsense.
>>> Go hire someone who can follow simple instructions, ugh. <<<
(Note: above above won't work if you try to access the modem from WAN via port forward. Given the topic's subject here, I do NOT think that's what the OP is trying to do, nor what 99.999% of other users are trying to do. All they want is a simple access from LAN to the modem. Gimme a break with hybrid NATs.)
Dude really?????????
Your modem is that your trying to get to.. So you set pfsense IP to – how and the F would that work?? Come on dude!!
And your still showing 10/8 on the LAN side...
I am just done - nobody on the planet can be this freaking DENSE!!!
Why are you setting your "modem access" interface on em2??? How and the F would that work - come on!!
Dude really?????????
Your modem is that your trying to get to.. So you set pfsense IP to – how and the F would that work?? Come on dude!!
And your still showing 10/8 on the LAN side...
I am just done - nobody on the planet can be this freaking DENSE!!!
Why are you setting your "modem access" interface on em2??? How and the F would that work - come on!!
Sorry but I'm following the guide
Where did I go wrong?
So your trying to access an IP, so you give pfsense the SAME address - how would that work??? Really… You need to set this to
1/ You cannot have the same IP on the modem and on pfSense.
2/ You do NOT need a frickin' /8 for point-to-point link!!!If it still does not work, forget the hybrid NAT crap, switch it to automatic and set up a gateway as noted above.
So your trying to access an IP, so you give pfsense the SAME address - how would that work??? Really… You need to set this to
I understood the trick: it is only necessary to configure the Modem_access interface like this:
So your working now???
So your working now???
Finally, everything works perfectly.
So if you can, you may correct the guide .
Thanks again
"So if you can, you may correct the guide"
Correct the guide how.. There is nothing wrong with it.