DHCP scope applied or not?
I just built a new pfSense box using the following process (documented as I build it)
I specified the DHCP range from the console, when I setup the LAN interface. At that time, I limited it to .100 to .200. Plugging in my macbook, indeed I do get an IP of .100. yet looking in the web configuration tool GUI, it indicates the range is .10 to .245.I am confused how this could be…
I built it using this process.
PFSense 2.1 Build config
From Console
Set Interfaces
IPV6 address - n
-reboot and test - OK
Set interfaces
ip> /24
no gateway
DHCP server yes
IPV6 - none
Enable secure shell
Disable boot menu
exit to shell
sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=16
fdisk -B ad4
y y
sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=0
-reboot and test - OK
Move to web configuration tool
logon admin pfsense
hostname >rtr
domain xx.yy.ca
timeserver to ca.pool.ntp.org
timezone to America/Edmonton
WAN Page > next
LAN page > next
set admin password to XXXXXXXXXX
refresh browser on (
Add features to dashboard
DYNDNS, Gateways, Interface stats, Firewall logs, OpenVPN, PFBlocker, services status, traffic graphs
SAVE settingsComplete remove of IPV6
system>advanced>networking> uncheck allow IPV6 SaveCheck System logs
status>system logs>settings>GUI LOG entries 50>250
-reboot and check logs for errorsAdd BandwidthD package and enable
SYSTEM>PACKAGES>Available>install bandwidthD
services>bandwidthD> enable and save
-reboot and check - OK simulate activity wait 15 minutes, verify bandwidthD page has Data - OK -
perhaps a screen shot would work better. Could be available rang, but that is generally the entire class-c subnet.
Here is what I have under services DHCP server
Well I am not sure if it was a bug or not. I am positive that I entered the range correctly at the start, and it is not what I see in the picture. In any case I have since redone the range via the GUI and it shows correctly in the GUI now.