Pfsense 2.3.2 Can't work Multi WAN
i'm pretty sure someone can help…..
you'd have to provide info
i configure multi wan and group gateway doesn't divert to other WAN..also i configure in firewall rules gateway
i follow this instruction help me.. :( :( :(
i configure multi wan and group gateway doesn't divert to other WAN..also i configure in firewall rules gateway
i follow this instruction help me.. :( :( :(
I think what heper says is you have to provide details regarding your setup, and testing scenarios you made… Otherwise you will not get any help ...
i have cisco router ip address connected to pfsense box ip address with 3 ISP
no problem in internet, my concern is firewall rules in policy base rounting when i select other gateway nothing changethis is my configuration firewall rules
protocol = IPv4* source = port = * distination = * port = * gateway = WAN1
protocol = IPv4* source = port = * distination = * port = * gateway = WAN2 -
Send us the screenshot of your firewall rule on LAN tab.
this is my firewall configuration
Can you give us your network topology so we can review it?
ok this my network topology
see attachment..
I would love to get into your pfsense box to check the settings but I don't think it is possible. There must be something that prevents the routing on your pfsense box.
what do you mean ccmks??
Try to change the firewall rules, in my system works.
Do not use two rules with the the two wans as gateways, create one rule with the Gateway group as gateway.
Also in general settings assign two different dns server for each adapter. -
Meu pfsense(2.3.2-RELEASE-p1 (amd64) ) não funciona também, seleciono pela regra que host X deve sair pelo gateway Y e ele não obedece a regra criada. Como tenho outro pfsense(2.3.2) instalado em outra filial, efetuei o mesmo teste e para minha surpresa funcionou perfeitamente.
Alguém sabe como resolver o problema?My pfsense (2.3.2-RELEASE-p1 (amd64)) does not work either, i selected for rule that host X must exit through the gateway Y. As I have another pfsense (2.3.2) installed in another branch, I performed the same test and to my surprise it worked perfectly.
Does anyone know how to solve the problem?