Only can access https websites
Ok. This is driving me crazy. Every time I upgrade I can no longer access http websites. I can only access https websites. If I do a full rebuild it works fine. I just tired of rebuilding this pfsense box. What is it with the upgrades? that knocks out websites?
I can totally rebuild this box and it will work perfect until I do an upgrade.
Here is the error I get:
The requested URL could not be retrievedThe following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:
Unable to forward this request at this time.
This request could not be forwarded to the origin server or to any parent caches.
Some possible problems are:
An Internet connection needed to access this domains origin servers may be down.
All configured parent caches may be currently unreachable.
The administrator may not allow this cache to make direct connections to origin servers.Your cache administrator is admin@localhost.
Generated Wed, 09 Apr 2014 11:14:00 GMT by localhost (squid/3.1.22)
It is a squid message. In its default incarnation, Squid doesn't intercept https, so that is why https is working.
Did you intend to use Squid?
If not, System->Packages and remove it, and look in the config for any trace of Squid.
If so, then you would be best to post in the Packages forum with details of your Squid settings.