2 firewalls and 2 internet connections (VDSL/LTE)
I have a working pfSense (VM in Hyper-V) setup connected to a VDSL line.
I now bought an LTE router as a fallback in case the VDSL line fails.
At first I wanted to connect the LTE router to the same pfSense box as an internet line fallback, but now I wonder:
Does it make sense to create a second pfSense VM on another machine, and also create a LAN and WAN (LTE) there? (VMs with 1GB of RAM and ~20GB of HD are rather easy to come by and cheap to have permanently turned on.)
Could I then always route absolutely all traffic over the first VM (VDSL) and only use the 2nd VM (LTE) in case of the first failing?
Is this a CARP scenario?
Also, can I still use both VMs as gateways, so that (LTE is faster than VDSL, but metered) in case of need for speed I can also voluntarily switch a PC in the LAN to use the 2nd VM (LTE)?
Also, can you tell me where to start searching? CARP, failover, load balancing, multi WAN are all buzz words I have seen but I do not know which apply to my case so I can continue reading there.
Hi andipandi,
I'll try to answer some of your questions, based on my experience (forum people, please correct me if I'm wrong):
I would set up another server, but just in case I would like to set up some redundancy (High Availability - HA).
Yes, it's possible - it's a gateway group configuration with layers
CARP it's a mechanism to provide failover functionality / redundancy - you would need to have two pfSense boxes in HA to get its advantages ( https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Configuring_pfSense_Hardware_Redundancy_(CARP) )
You can do it, but I think you would need to change this manually (just changing gateway group layers) - not sure if there's any way to do this on a different way
It depends on what you would like to set up first:
a) MultiWAN setup on just one box –> https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Multi-WAN
b) CARP setup with MultiWAN --> mix together link on point 3) and the previous one from 5a)
Hello David,
many thanks for answering!
It's still a little bit abstract for me, so I think I will 1st configure the existing firewall to also have LTE access fallback and then look into the failover.
I will probably follow up with some more specific questions.