Help getting two lans working
And without some details there is nothing can do to help..
What network are you using on lan.. What about the other? What firewall rules?
What switch are you using.. how do you have this connected? Is your AP connected direct to a pfsense interface?
ON the lan currently is my xbox that is connect my 1st network lan card i installed
the second is my wireless router by its self with no internet connectivity and it cant communicate with anything on the network with it
I didnt set up any rules yet didn't want to mess with it too much and make it worse
and the ap is the router which is hooked up to the second Lan card i installed.
When i switch what is called lan and WirelessAP the other works but then the one that was stops
if you need any more info just let me know what you need specifically screen shots or what have you -
So your car is red… Doesn't freaking help the mechanic fix your car does it.
What info in there do you think is actually helpful?
This is helpful
"I didnt set up any rules"So you have a 2nd interface, OPT1 - and you have no rules on it.. Well then how do you expect it to work?? all traffic into that interface would be blocked..
What rules should i set up
What do you want to allow?? Put any any like the default on the lan until you figure out what you want to limit if anything.
Better configure your Interfaces in the pfSense system's GUI not through web GUI for you to understand well on interface assignment and configuration…
All i want is wired to be able to communicate to wireless and vise versa and both have access to internet
Could it be a connecting cable?
"All i want is wired to be able to communicate to wireless and vise versa and both have access to internet"
And yeah an ANY rule just like the default rule on the LAN does that..
i did that but the internet does not work on the Opt1
Post up your rules.. Which should of been done in Post #1
My guess is you created rule for TCP only that is any.. Kind of hard to use the internet with no dns, which is UDP.
here is what rule i have for the Opt1 its named wireless AP