Windows server 2008 R2 and pfSense working in harmony???
Hey guys…
I've got an issue here. I just got done building and setting up my pfSense box (dual core and Athlon, 2 gigs of ram, and a 32gig SSD) and I would like to use the pfSense box only as a caching and firewall, but would like everything else to be controlled by my server (2 intel xeon processors, 16 gigs of ram an like 3 tb of hdd space), I took my server put of the equation and have the network currently set up like this;
Modem----pfSense box----AP1(access point 1)----AP2 and 3---- then PCs and mobile devices.
Right now the pfSense box is controlling all of these things. Including what I want my server to do such as file services, DHCP,DNS,AD, etc. is there a way to allow the server running 2008 R2 to work in harmony with pfSense? Please help! I really need to get this up and runnin because I have 150+ devices depending on me.My APs are all routers converted into an AP.
my server is currently unhooked but I am thinking it goes between the box and AP1?Any help would be greatly appreciated. I love how much faster my Internet is just by simply using pfSense.
Me -
It can do as much or as little as you like for the features it supports. I'm using it just as a firewall with Squid caching, plus NTP. Our Windows AD servers handle DNS and DHCP.
How would I have it configured? Modem–-pfSense---server---access points?
And thank you for your help man -
Pretty much. All your LAN clients would use your AD controllers for DNS & DHCP, and your pfSense box as the gateway. That's it.