Unable to reboot 2.4
Seem like you have an ACPI problem if it is failing to read those values.
You might try a different ACPI mode in the BIOS. But it's probably because the motherboard vendor wrote it for Windows only. You running the latest BIOS?
Seem like you have an ACPI problem if it is failing to read those values.
You might try a different ACPI mode in the BIOS. But it's probably because the motherboard vendor wrote it for Windows only. You running the latest BIOS?
Yep. latest bios. I tried turning off acpi all kinds of ways .. changed settings for over 4 hours , reinstalled pfsense multiple times. I may be unlucky but I think its a pervasive issue because I read few other online posts of different day 0 kaby lake support mobo's (200 series chipsets) having similar issues on freebsd
Took a bunch of random shots of bios incase anyone see's any red flags
edit: bad info's i gave
also btw dont do this shit you see all over the net
set hint.acpi.0.disabled="1"
cause then your pc wont boot and you'll spend an hour trying to figure out how to fix it
also btw dont do this shit you see all over the net
set hint.acpi.0.disabled="1"
cause then your pc wont boot and you'll spend an hour trying to figure out how to fix it
The quoted setting to disable ACPI was valid advice around the year 2000 when ACPI was brand new and the implentations were sometimes very buggy, not anymore. Don't disable ACPI on any modern system, you'll just shoot yourself in the foot.
Ah ok thanks for background
also i just tried rebooting and it hanged again, so I guess what I said early about adding a pci-e card didnt fix it
anyone have updates on this? it's terrible having nice new hardware upgrade, but you can reboot the thing without physically going to the case and hitting the reset button
also btw dont do this shit you see all over the net
set hint.acpi.0.disabled="1"
cause then your pc wont boot and you'll spend an hour trying to figure out how to fix it
Erm… Tried this and every other solution in this thread.
Do not do the above, it causes kernel panic (way to resolve is to escape to loader prompt. Type set set hint.acpi.0.disabled="0", and remove the line in your devices.hint file (in /boot/ directory).
Tried all ACPI workarounds to no avail.
System specs are:
Intel E3-1270 v5
Supermicro X11DAT
128GB NVMe 960 ProBoot hangs on uptime, this is kind of critical as this stops updates from being possible remotely. Shutdown/Halt system works fine, however...
EDIT - Just to add I've tried the following (perhaps more can't remember everything):
Disabling ACPI
Enabling ACPI
Disabling ACPI and adding: hw.acpi.handle_reboot with value of 0 and 1 to system tunables
Enabling ACPI and adding: hw.acpi.handle_reboot with value of 0 and 1 to system tunables
Enabling WHEA and adding: hw.acpi.handle_reboot with value of 0 and 1 to system tunables
me too. updated to 0522 1958version.
I have the same problem with my ASROCK H270M-ITX and Intel 600p nvme boot drive. Strangely it will only recognise one nic as intel, the other one as generic. It also does not show the wifi adapter but I will not use it anyway.
Do you want me to upload any logs for research?
Any update to this issue at all?
Or does anyone know how to raise an issue on issue tracker?
Updating repositories metadata…
Updating pfSense-core repository catalogue...
pfSense-core repository is up to date.
Updating pfSense repository catalogue...
pkg: sqlite error while executing iterator in file pkgdb_iterator.c:1035: database disk image is malformed
pfSense repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
ERROR: It was not possible to determine pkg remote version
ERROR: It was not possible to determine pfSense-repo remote version
ERROR: Unable to compare version of pfSense-repo
Failed -
WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO. Whatever ya'll did recently, the latest 2.4 dev snappies, my ASRock H270M-ITX/ac UEFI 2.00 is rebooting automatically now and I dont have to physically hit the reset button anymore when I need to reboot (updates, etc). yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. seriously this is the best thing to happen to me all month. no seriously guys.. really
Likely the switch to FreeBSD 11.1 which will have brought with it updates to numerous systems.
Interesting to hear if that helped others who were hitting this before.
It is not fixed. Last night, I installed the latest development snapshot (2.4.1) on my Dell T1600, and the system still will not reboot/shutdown. I still must hard reset it. This system worked flawlessly under 2.3. I do not have any USB devices connected to the system (if that helps anyone troubleshoot).
It's working for me, stable 2.4.
THX!! :)