2.4.3 - FreeRadius won't let me save settings, gives error about EAP
No matter what I do, I get this error. I've been trying for hours. Every time I try to save "Settings".
The following input errors were detected:
Please, configure and save EAP settings first. Note that setting the SSL CA/Server Certificate is required.
General ConfigurationEAP is configured properly, and minimally. It was working without error before the upgrade to 2.4.3. It has valid certs and a CA. I even tried creating new ones.
I've tried running freeradius from the command line in the foreground with debugging on, and see no errors. I also verified that the certificates configured/loaded by freeradius are the correct ones in the filesystem.
So at this point I'm stuck and cannot change anything under settings no matter what I do.
Can anyone help?
same on "2.3.4-RELEASE". Fresh Install + FreeRadius.
Edit: solved
I had to add
"global $config;"
in the first line in function
freeradius_validate_settings($post, &$input_errors) {
in file:
/usr/local/pkg/freeradius.inc -
can you explain how did that sir?
can you explain how did that sir?
1. ssh you the pfsense server
2. vi /usr/local/pkg/freeradius.inc (you are editing the file.) At anytime you think you have messed up press ESC twice and then type :q! this will exit without saving)
3. type /validate_settings (this jumps you to where you need to be in the file)
4. press 0 (the letter o, this will put you in input mode one line down)
5. type global $config;
6. press ESC twice (habit of mine, in most cases once is fine)
7 type :wq or shift ZZ (write the files and exits)
Here is what is looked like:
login as: admin
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Password for admin@pfsense.local.enms.net:
*** Welcome to pfSense 2.3.4-RELEASE (amd64 full-install) on pfsense ***WAN (wan) -> em0 -> v4/DHCP4: xx.xx.xx.xx/19
v6/DHCP6: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:bc:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx/128
LAN (lan) -> em1 -> v4:
v6: 2001:470:1f11:85::1/64
HENETV6 (opt1) -> gif0 -> v6: 2001:470:1f10:85::2/128
IOTWINK (opt2) -> em3_vlan10 -> v4:
IOTRING (opt3) -> em3_vlan48 -> v4:
IOTOTHER (opt4) -> em3_vlan20 -> v4:
OPT5 (opt5) -> run0_wlan0 -> v4: Logout (SSH only) 9) pfTop
- Assign Interfaces 10) Filter Logs
- Set interface(s) IP address 11) Restart webConfigurator
- Reset webConfigurator password 12) PHP shell + pfSense tools
- Reset to factory defaults 13) Update from console
- Reboot system 14) Disable Secure Shell (sshd)
- Halt system 15) Restore recent configuration
- Ping host 16) Restart PHP-FPM
- Shell
Enter an option: 8
[2.3.4-RELEASE][[email]admin@pfsense.local.enms.net]/root: vi /usr/local/pkg/freeradius.inction' field; only /^[a-zA-Z0-9 _,.;:+=()-]*$/ allowed.";
* TODO: Check that the configured port is unique for the selected Inter
face Type/IP address.
/* General Settings input validation */
function freeradius_validate_settings($post, &$input_errors) {
global $config;
// Force users to configure certificates for EAP
if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['freeradiuseapconf']['config']- )) {
$eapconf = $config['installedpackages']['freeradiuseapconf']['co
} else {
$input_errors[] = "Please, configure and save EAP settings first
. Note that setting the SSL CA/Server Certificate is required.";
$eapconf = array();
/usr/local/pkg/freeradius.inc: 4815 lines, 181995 characters.
[2.3.4-RELEASE][[email]admin@pfsense.local.enms.net]/root: -
thanks mate this helped a lot
Update to the latest package for a permanent fix.
same issue with new patch within EAP:
The following input errors were detected:
SSL CA Certificate must not be set to 'none'. Create a CA certificate if needed and select it here.
SSL Server Certificate must not be set to 'none'. Create a server certificate if needed and select it here.I set some Cert-Example; save; then no error message but after a long time freeradius service end!!
Someone any idea?
hsrtreml -
same issue with new patch within EAP:
The following input errors were detected:
SSL CA Certificate must not be set to 'none'. Create a CA certificate if needed and select it here.
SSL Server Certificate must not be set to 'none'. Create a server certificate if needed and select it here.I set some Cert-Example; save; then no error message but after a long time freeradius service end!!
That is not the same issue. Please start a new thread.