Mobile Wan 3G/LTE pfsense doc wrong.
I am able to set up the PPP interface and get an IP.
Primary wan is igb1 DHCP and works.
I add interface OPT1 and attached to PPP
I go to routing and add OPT1 as a route. No other changes.
Created gateway group and added WAN and OPT1 with WAN Tier 1 and OPT Tier 2 (Member Down)
When I unplug WAN cable it goes offline and OPT Gateway still up but I am unable to ping or pass any traffic.
Not sure what this document refers to but it is innacurate.
You must configure 3G/LTE setting on interface if using as a wan connection or at least multi wan. Directions say not to make any changes to the interface but you have to in order to make it work.
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