Accessing Different LAN networks with router
I don't know if this is the right section to ask this question.
I would like to ask how will i be able to achieve this, I want to be able to access PC4 using PC1 but the problem is they have different LAN since PC1 has router. This is my current network setup.
Thank you.
System -> Routing -> Static Routes
Static route on your pfSense router for pointing to and on the other router the default route out should sort it.
Is this downstream router nattting? If so there is nothing to do. If not you would not configure a network like that - because its a asymmetrical mess.
Your pc 3 and 4 are on what should be your transit network.. You do not put devices on transit network - if you do then they need to host route..
System -> Routing -> Static Routes
Static route on your pfSense router for pointing to and on the other router the default route out should sort it.
this works… thank you :)
Did you change to a transit.. If not just routing to your downstream does not remove your asymmetrical issues when you talk to devices on your 172.16 network.. /21 huge freaking network.. You have 2000 some devices on this network? ;)