Out of subnet routing… (Failover IP setup)
My provider put me up with a somewhat unusual, but otherwise functional routing config known as a failover IP…
I have an ESXi with pfSense on it (amongst other things, obviously), and two IP's (I'll be using different IP's, but for the sake of discussion, the setup is working identically):
Main IP (on ESXi mgmt)
Def GW: IP (on pfSense VM WAN NIC): (!!!!)
No default gateway for this IP…To make it work from the pfSense I had to manually perform:
route add -net -link -iface em0
route add default works fine, I can access the pfSense WebGUI, it can access the internet, etc.
However there are a few challenges I do not know how to solve:
- Getting the above two routes to stick (so they don't get deleted on every reload)
- Getting pfSense to accept as a valid gateway, because the UI keeps saying it's not in any interface's network
Any suggestions appreciated!
After more searching (I already searched before posting here) I pretty much found most of the answer here:
https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=79141.msg431581#msg431581 -
you can manually add your gateway for the interface then edit the gateway and under advanced settings check "use non-local gateway" (pfsense 2.4.2)