3 WAN with load balancing n failover
I have 3 leased lines (11 Mbps, 9 Mbps, 5Mbps). I want to do following setup :
- Load Balance WAN A + WAN B
- Failover between WAN A and (Load balance between WAN B + WAN C with 2:1 weight) ie if WAN A fails traffic should load balance between Wan B and Wan C.
- Failover between WAN B and WAN C
To do so I have created Gateway group
- WanAWanB
WanA WanB
Tier 1 1
Weight 1 1- WanAUP
WanA WanB WanC
Tier 1 2 2
Weight 1 2 1- WanBUp
WanB WanC
Tier 1 2
In Firewall LAN Rules
Allow all LAN Traffic through WanAWanB
Allow all LAN Traffic Through WanAUP
Allow all LAN Traffic through WanBUPIs my setup correct. Any Suggestions
Ashima -
This is how I made it work finally.
Created a Gateway Group Grp1 –-- WAN A WAN B WAN C
Tier 1 1 2This is acting as load balance between WAN A n WAN B .... if WAN A/WAN B fails traffic goes through WAN B/WAN A respectively... if both fails traffic goes through WAN C.
I didn't create separate Groups for load balancing and failover as suggested by pfsense official documentation.
Though I couldn't test load balancing as WAN A is down from last 10 days.
Thank You
Ashima -
so in the end you resolve the issue only by tiers ?
non wheigh were used? -
Yes I have kept the weight settings as default. It was required if I do a load balance between WAN B(~9 Mbps) n WAN C (~5 Mbps).