No hostname shown with custom dynamic dns
I'm using as custom dynamic dns service. Now i see that no hostname is shown, but update occurs (IP showing green). The host is reachable via the dynamic dns-name.
Logs don't show anything, except of the successful extraction of IP and successful update.
Any hint on how to get the hostname shown?
PS: full install of pfsense 2.2 amd64 on pc hardware.
It seems to me a bug…
No entry for hostname available, that should be fixed.
I added the hostname directly into the config.xml, it works now right.
same issue.
No such thing has ever been shown with custom DNS type.
Anyone know if this is being addressed?
I find it a rather annoying issue because Dynamic DNS FQDN values are queried by other pfsense screens. When the FQDN is queried for a Custom type, no value is returned.
Ex: The Dynamic DNS Status widget shows empty string for the hostname. You can’t tell, at a glance, which FQDN is down.
Ex: OpenVPN Client export, the "Host Name Resolution" drop down list shows empty values for each custom type dyn client.
Just theoretical possible solution:
projectedFQDN = fqdnDisplayName ?? FQDN
and then I would think consumers would not need to change their code
This also breaks the client configuration for VPN. When I choose the client export in the hostname field the service I configured is blank (see screenshot)
When I try to export as you can see in the screenshot I get an error that there is no hostname configured.
This looks like a bug to me