Using the same ISP from multiple physical interfaces
I have a four port pfSense (2.3.4). I have WAN configured with as assigned by my ISP. I want to be able to hook up a machine to opt2 that is a Virtualbox host. I want opt2 to have so that it can be essentially a DMZ. I need the pfSense to do NAT and DHCP on that interface.
The trouble I'm running into is if I configure opt2 as it tells me that it conflicts with on the wan.
With a /29 range, I have 6 usable IP addresses. There has got to be a way that I can on opt2, but I'm at a loss to find it.
I tried bridging WAN and OPT2, but that didn't seem to do what I wanted it to (doesn't mean it's not possible via that route).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You either need to get a routed subnet, use 1:1 NAT, or bridge the interfaces.
In order of most- to least-preferable.