Unknown static route
All I have what looks to below to be a connected/static route but I need to remove it and can't find it anyplace in the config. any suggestions or guidance to point me in the right direction would be appreciated.
netstat -nr UGHS igb5and when I look in BGP status I get this
*C 48 link#0Thanks
Craig -
Is that a configured DNS server, gateway, or gateway monitor IP address?
At one time that would have been configured as a DNS server but it was removed awhile back. To confirm I downloaded the xml config and did a search though it and that IP dosn't appear anyplace.
Craig -
Possibly it remains from then and was never removed. Have you restarted?
I have had to remove something like that manually once or twice.
I believe route delete should do the trick.
That worked, thanks so much I've never seen anything stick around like that before.
Yeah there must be something somewhere that doesn't clear that in certain cases. I have only seen the end result - never the actual event - and then only a couple of times.
Glad it worked.