SG-1000 problems after pfSense 2.4.3 update; no console access
Updated my SG-1000 to pfSense 2.4.3, no issues reported in the browser GUI during the update process. But after the unit rebooted, it did not come back up. (I've done several previous pfSense updates on this unit, and never had a problem.)
I've tried to connect via the console, but no luck. (I'm on a Mac running OS X 10.13.4.)
I downloaded and installed the SiLabs USB driver (and restarted). I've tried three different USB cables. The result in terminal each time is the same.
I run:
sudo screen /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200
and Terminal says:
Cannot exec '/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART': No such file or directory
I tried
ls /dev/cu.*
and the result is
/dev/cu.AS200-SerialPort1 /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
I don't have a problem with restoring the SG-1000 to defaults from microSD, but without console access I'm not sure what to do.
Any advice really appreciated. Thanks in advance. It's probably also worth noting that I barely know what I'm doing ;)
On the assumption you're running into the same problem I had with my SG-4860, I'll point you to the SG-1000 version of the document that helped me:
Basically, download the factory version, burn it to a USB thumb drive, boot your SG-1000 with that and re-install from there. Hopefully, you made a backup of your settings before doing your original (failed) update and can just reload those if those steps work.
I'll point you to my thread so you can see if your issue really is the same as mine and make the decision whether this is what you want to do:
Update: got the 2.4.3 restore img downloaded and put on a microSD card (did it using Etcher). With the card in the device, and with USB connected between my Mac and the console port, I've powered the SG-1000 up and attempted to connect to it with Terminal again.
Still no luck. Exact same messages from Terminal.
I've read in more than one place that an improper USB cable might be (?) the culprit… but how do I tell if I have the "correct" type of cable, and/or where can I purchase one that will definitely establish the connection for data? I've now tried 5 different cables I had around the house, all with the same results.
I'm well beyond my abilities here, but I'll throw in a link to some troubleshooting I found (which you've probably already seen since you've mentioned some things from it):
The last comments are about the USB cable. But, I was under the impression the cable used on these devices is just a plain old USB cable. But, I can't imagine the 5 different ones you tried all being bad.
Hopefully, someone with actual knowledge will chime in and help.
I use a "standard" USB cable (I have dozens of different ones, they all work) and a copy of the ancient but still very reliable Zterm v 1.2 for MacOS.
The SG-1000 will be recognized as port "SLAB_USBtoUART". Set the port speed to 115,200 BPS no flow control and that is it.
If Zterm does not find that port, you have a bad cable or hardware. If it does, you will see at least something when rebooting the SG-1000
You might also check that you have a suitable USB/Serial driver installed for MacOS. I use this one:
This might be a cargo-cult type of response from me, but when you tried your different USB cables, in what order did you boot and plug them in? I've read some posts that mentioned getting the connection mis-identified if they plug in AFTER the unit is booted. If they plugged in the USB and started up PuTTY and THEN booted the pfSense box, the connection is correctly identified. Worth a try.
Thanks everyone for the replies.
I ended up attempting to connect to the SG-1000 via PuTTY from a Windows VM on my Mac. Worked on the first try! :)
After that I was able to do the reset/restore from the microSD card. Back in action!
(Now I'm really regretting not keeping a backup of my pfSense settings ;) )