Error Message: Received non-200 HTTP Code: 502
after Update to 2.4.3 i got sometimes (about 1-4x a Day) the Messsage:
Exception calling XMLRPC method exec_php # Received non-200 HTTP Code: 502. Response body:<html>
<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>
</html>I found an old enty in the forum about a captive portal sync problem.
At my installation there is a captive portal running with about 10 Zones.
I'm using CARP and also HA-Sync for transfer config from master to slave-server.
The Errormessage is only showed on the master-system.
I couldn't find any impact but what does the message will say to me?A network problem is nearly impossible. The Servers have enough performance and network uplink.
Does anybody have an idea where the problem came from?
Are you running HA sync over a LAN setup for captive portal ?
"It is recommended to set this to an interface other than LAN! A dedicated interface works the best."
thanks for reply.
No, it's a dedicated interface and there is no captive portal in it.
It's on a different Interface and also VLAN.