How to access the web GUI over opt1
I have a pfSense server I need to be able to access the GUI over the opt1 not lan or making it in a that I can bridges then and get access over the opt1
Well on opt1 create a rule that allows access to the port your listening on..
What are you rules on opt1?
Pfsense web gui will actually listen on all interfaces. If you want to access it from a specific interfaces network, you just have to allow for it in the rules.
whats the rule that i have to put in the firewall
What port do you have gui listen on. Create a rule to allow access to the OPT1 address on that port for TCP.. Put that rule on the top of any other rules.
What rules do you currently have on opt1.. You understand that out of the box lan default to any any.. But when you create new interface there will be ZERO rules on the interface you have to create them to allow what you want.
can explan it a bit better i dont understand
Pots up your rules on your lan… Post up your rules on your opt interface..
i dont have any setup as i looked online to doing a bridge
Good luck with that… its utterly pointless to setup bridge on a router interface.. If you need multiple ports in the same layer 2 - use a switch..
whats the rule that i have to put in the firewall
If you have not disabled the Anti-Lockout rules, look at the rules for your LAN interface. You will see the anti-lockout rules at the top. These are the rules that make sure you can access the firewall from LAN. You'll need to either create an alias for all the ports to create a single rule, or create a rule for each port, on your OPT1 interface.
WAN to LAN? or..
Trying to bridge LAN and OPT as a switch?