[Resolvido] Proxy bloqueando Aydesk
Monitora o ip de destino e coloca no bypass destination do e2guardian para ele não interceptar ou cria uma acl colocando ele no exception. Isso também evita o MITM.
Olá Marcelo..
Eu até fiz isso, mas mesmo assim não funcionou, todos os IPs e dominios que eu coloquei no Bypass e nas Exception funcionam legal, mas o desse aplicativo ANYDESK não funciona.
Agora de pouco ele voltou a funcionar, muito estranho. -
Hello Marcelo,
The exact same thing happens in my network, anydesk can't connect to internet because of e2guardian ssl filtering. Anydesk gives ssl error massage when try to connect internet.
I tried to get all ip address of anydesk and then allows them on "bypass destination .." place but still can't connect :/
How I can solve this problem, any suggest would be so good. Thank you.
BTW, e2guardian works so good with ssl filtering.)
Hi ucribrahim,
The best way to find what traffic you need to bypass on e2guardian is monitoring with tcpdump what connections the daemon tries to open and then and add it to an alias on pfSense.
Thanks for reply Marcelo,
I tried to listen traffic by using tcpdump and wireshark of anydesk program. I just found ip address, domains, dns querys etc. and allowed them on e2guardian, after that still problem has been same.
Well, I will try to do this again maybe I missed something. Thanks again.
Obrigado Marcelo…
Aqui também ja esta funcionando.
Topico ja pode ser fechado. -
Hi jdsonc,
How did you solve this problem, if you did. Could you please tell me how to solve the problem.
Hi ucribrahim,
Sorry, i only saw your message now…
So far the procedure I've done seems to have resolved.Well I monitored the domains and the ips, when I made an access through anydesk, without E2guardian enabled, I did it through netstat in the source and destination station.
Then with E2guardian enabled I monitored with Real time, so I was able to get the necessary domains.
Then I created an alias and put it in the Bypass Proxy for These Destination IPs.
So far its working, I'm trying to find all the ips of anydesk as soon as I've put it here.
I hope it helps you and everyone in the forum.relay-ce59fdb0.net.anydesk.com relay-4eedeab0.net.anydesk.com relay-cde85b05.net.anydesk.com relay-c9b5be97.net.anydesk.com relay-5c3e138c.net.anydesk.com relay-ca111041.net.anydesk.com relay-a9fa3480.net.anydesk.com boot-01.net.anydesk.com anydesk.com
Below I also attached the errors generated by Anydesk
Hi jdsonc,
When I tried your way, anydesk works and a client can connect to you via anydesk program but you can't connect to a client via anydesk. Well I tried to find ip address when anydesk try to connect that I found something.
I add ip address and domains to the firewall group, maybe someone will need this. Right now it's working, you can connect or someone can connect to your computer.
Also these ip addresses could be changeable based the country. If you want to learn the ip address that anydesk try to connect, just use "netstat -an" command to see "ESTABLISHED" connections and then add to firewall group.
"Firewall > Alias > Add (name=anydesk) > Type: Networks > put domains and ip(s) then Save.
"E2guardian > Bypass destination : anydesk > Save
Port numbers of anydesk : 7070, 34406
Updated: 25.10.2018
anydesk.com -
That´s right!
I usually use the site https://bgp.he.net/ to find domains and IPs specific.