Pacote não oficial E2guardian para software pfsense® - Adeus squidguard :D
Estou começando a migrar o e2guardian para a versão 5
Segundo o desenvolvedor, nesta versão temos:
Acesso direto sem a necessidade de parent proxy
Configuração via icap (pra funcionar como "helper" do squid)
proxy ssl transparente
Se a versão estiver completa assim, será uma as maiores evoluções da ferramenta.
A dificuldade é que além de ter mudado bastante os arquivos de configuração, o desenvolvimento é em linux e o debug pra saber o que precisa ou não ser corrigido no FreeBSD fica por conta de quem está testando.
Deve ser usado o 5 ou ainda mantem versão anterior?
Deve ser usado o 5 ou ainda mantem versão anterior?
Até agora a 5 me pareceu bem mais estável e completa.
Terminei hoje de importar o código pra criar as regras do Proxy transparente. Vou testar e subir a atualização.
Deve ser usado o 5 ou ainda mantem versão anterior?
Até agora a 5 me pareceu bem mais estável e completa.
Terminei hoje de importar o código pra criar as regras do Proxy transparente. Vou testar e subir a atualização.
Obrigado, seria muito interessante um local para podermos discutir a ferramenta, pelo Github é possivel?
Obrigado, seria muito interessante um local para podermos discutir a ferramenta, pelo Github é possivel?
Abri um tópico exclusivo para a versão 5, podemos ir discutindo e testando por lá.
Proxy transparente até onde testei está ok. Estou acertando agora a replicação xml pro 2.4
@marcelloc To usando o E2guardian, quero colocar ele nos meus outros 5 FW que eu tenho, o que me falta agora praticamente é a questão da tela personalidade, no guard eu alterava apenas o arquivo sgerror.php, qual arquivo dentro do e2guardian que eu altero? To curtindo esse novo pacote. Uma outra pergunta seria, se a cada atualização ele irá aparecer ou apresentar algum bug.
@danilosv-03 Eu só atualizo o binário quando sai alguma correção no A tela de erro você pode alterar tanto o html que fica a aba reporting quanto o e2gerror.php.
Eu tenho o meu próprio e2gerror.php, eu fui na pasta /usr/local/www e lá eu vi o esse mesmo arquivo, o que eu fiz: renomeie ele para e2gerror2.php e coloquei o meu .php.
Uma outra coisa seria, no squidguard tem uma opção chamada safesearch, onde quando marcamos ela, ela impede do usuário pesquisar assuntos para +18, isso tanto para imagens quanto conteúdo. Lá no e2guardian, onde encontro ela?Ficou dessa forma as configurações abaixo
Bom dia pessoal.
Hoje percebi q ao tentar atualizar a Shallalist recebo erros de fecth. e na dashboard do pfSense ele não mostra as conexões ativas nem na guia RealTime consigo ver trafegos passantes.
@willian_wcg, está configurando o proxy modo transparente, wpad ou configurado nos navegadores?
Testeis a blacklist e pelo menos daqui da minha rede, ela está baixando normal.
@marcelloc o proxy é transparente autenticado por IP.
@willian_wcg roda ele na console pra ver se está gerando algum erro.
e2guardian -Q
Estou conectado remotamente, não consigo acessar a console.
Qual o comando que preciso usar? aí posso fazer o teste em outro momento e postar o resultado. -
Consegui rodar o comando.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: e2guardian -Q
SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 32 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 33 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 73 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 74 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 85 of /usr/local/etc/e2gu ardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 86 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 87 of /usr/local/etc/e2guard ian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 105 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 106 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 120 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardi an/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 125 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 130 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 137 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 144 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 163 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 32 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 33 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 73 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 74 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 85 of /usr/local/etc/e2gu ardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 86 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 87 of /usr/local/etc/e2guard ian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 105 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 106 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 120 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardi an/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 125 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 130 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 137 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 144 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 163 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 32 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
uma parte está aqui -
outra parte
SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 33 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 73 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 74 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 85 of /usr/local/etc/e2gu ardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 86 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 87 of /usr/local/etc/e2guard ian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 105 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 106 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 120 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardi an/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 125 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 130 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 137 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 144 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 163 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: [2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: e2guardian -Q
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root:: Too many arguments.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 32 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 86 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 87 of /usr/local/etc/e2guard ian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 105 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 106 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 120 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardi an/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 125 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 130 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 33 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 73 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 74 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 85 of /usr/local/etc/e2gu ardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 86 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 87 of /usr/local/etc/e2guard ian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 105 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 106 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 120 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardi an/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 137 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 144 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 163 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 32 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 33 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 73 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 74 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 85 of /usr/local/etc/e2gu ardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 86 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 87 of /usr/local/etc/e2guard ian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 105 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 106 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 120 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardi [2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 125 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 125 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 130 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 130 of /usr/local/etc/e2g SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 137 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 137 of /usr/local/etc SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 144 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 163 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 32 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 144 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 163 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 33 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 73 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 74 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 85 of /usr/local/etc/e2gu ardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 86 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 87 of /usr/local/etc/e2guard ian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 105 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 106 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 120 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardi an/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 125 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 130 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 137 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 144 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 163 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 32 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 33 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list addheader used at line 73 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list override used at line 74 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardian /common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 85 of /usr/local/etc/e2gu ardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 86 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardia n/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 87 of /usr/local/etc/e2guard ian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 105 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 106 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localgrey used at line 120 of /usr/local/etc/e2guardi an/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localbanned used at line 125 of /usr/local/etc/e2guar dian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 130 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 137 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list exceptionuseragent used at line 144 of /usr/local/etc /e2guardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: SB warning: Undefined list localexception used at line 163 of /usr/local/etc/e2g uardian/common.story
SB: Command not found.
[2.4.3-RELEASE][admin@pfSense.XXX.LOCAL]/root: -
Consegui resolver a parte do RealTime. Encontrei nos destination bypass o erro, removi os IPs e Hosts de lá e criei Aliases com eles a apontei o Alias no campo. Resolveu o problema do RealTime, já a Blacklist ainda persiste. Ela está funcionando as ACLs normalmente, só não está baixando.
@willian_wcg said in Pacote não oficial E2guardian para software pfsense
- Adeus squidguard :D:
Ela está funcionando as ACLs normalmente, só não está baixando.
Dns está funcionando corretamente?
Sim, toda a navegação está operante.
Porém acabei de fazer um teste aqui.. da console tentei ping para o e deu 'no route to host'.
Mas como falei a navegação está OK, pois estou acessando a interface do Pfsense remotamente, alguma idéia de como resolver?
Tenta um traceroute pra lá, pode ser problema de roteamento do provedor ou seu ip tá bloqueado para acessar esse site.
@marcelloc cara... problemas simples mas as vezes se batemos tipo baratas tontas.. como o cliente mudou de provedor de internet, se manteve o gateway 'antigo' ativo, pois esse provedor novo entrou em outra interface, só desabilitei esse GW e defini o novo como 'default'.