(Solved) bgpg connection from non-peer refused
I would need some support from community with and bgp error. Here is the context:
I have a kubernetes cluster as the above pricture show. Inside the cluster I have deployed Metallb ( a system that is using BGP routing so I will be able to implement loadbalacer services on a "bare-metal kubernetes cluster") . Everything good, until I get the error on bgdp (pfsense) :
Sep 16 15:22:47 bgpd 72696 connection from non-peer refused
Sep 16 15:24:47 bgpd 72696 connection from non-peer refusedOn "metallb" bpg pods I am getting:
{"caller":"bgp.go:55","error":"read OPEN from "": EOF","localASN":64501,"msg":"failed to connect to peer","op":"connect","peer":"","peerASN":64500,"ts":"2018-09-1 6T13:20:47.371994307Z"}
I am aware that my bgp router form inside the cluster stays on a different network ( kubernetes network) and the bgp connection coming trough a non-peer ( kubernetes nodes). I keep diving to find a solution on openbgp to allow non-peer connection and I cant find anything.
Anyone has any advice?
Thank you!
@cradulescu I have figureout how to solve this issue.
There is a bug on openBGPD. Event I do setup the neighbors the conf dose not update so I have to update it manually ( I know is not recommended) .# This file was created by the package manager. Do not edit! AS 64500 fib-update yes listen on router-id network neighbor { remote-as 64501 descr "Kubernetes-Node01" } neighbor { remote-as 64501 descr "Kubernetes-Node02" } #deny from any #deny to any
Resault Kubernetes
{"caller":"main.go:229","event":"serviceAnnounced","ip":"","msg":"service has IP, announcing","pool":"default","protocol":"bgp","service":"default/elasticsearch","ts":"2018-09-16T14:37:20.876366531Z"}
Resault pfsense:
Neighbor AS MsgRcvd MsgSent OutQ Up/Down State/PrfRcvd Kubernetes-Node02 64501 337 327 0 02:42:09 1 Kubernetes-Node01 64501 337 327 0 02:42:09 1 OpenBGPD Neighbors BGP neighbor is, remote AS 64501 Description: Kubernetes-Node02 BGP version 4, remote router-id BGP state = Established, up for 02:42:09 Last read 00:00:09, holdtime 90s, keepalive interval 30s Neighbor capabilities: Multiprotocol extensions: IPv4 unicast, IPv6 unicast 4-byte AS numbers Message statistics: Sent Received Opens 1 1 Notifications 0 0 Updates 1 11 Keepalives 325 325 Route Refresh 0 0 Total 327 337 Update statistics: Sent Received Updates 4 6 Withdraws 0 5 End-of-Rib 0 0 Local host:, Local port: 179 Remote host:, Remote port: 52807 BGP neighbor is, remote AS 64501 Description: Kubernetes-Node01 BGP version 4, remote router-id BGP state = Established, up for 02:42:09 Last read 00:00:09, holdtime 90s, keepalive interval 30s Neighbor capabilities: Multiprotocol extensions: IPv4 unicast, IPv6 unicast 4-byte AS numbers Message statistics: Sent Received Opens 1 1 Notifications 0 0 Updates 1 11 Keepalives 325 325 Route Refresh 0 0 Total 327 337 Update statistics: Sent Received Updates 4 6 Withdraws 0 5 End-of-Rib 0 0 Local host:, Local port: 179 Remote host:, Remote port: 46850