Squash commits on pull requests?
If I squash (merge) commits on a branch from my fork that I've submitted as a PR, will they get squashed on the PR as well? I ask this because, e.g, on PR#3983 —it would have been easier to squash the 2 commits vs. closing and opening a whole new PR with a single combined commit.
System Patches couldn't deal with 3983.patch so I had to toss the whole thing and start a new branch and a new PR.
Should be asking this over on StackExchange instead?
Thanks -
That's usually the case. Unfortunately our workflow doesn't let us do the squashing right in the github interface but if you squash locally and push it should work.
Great, I'll try that next time. Thanks
Just wanted to let you know, I just tried this on PR#3989 (which was previously 2 commits) and I was able to squash it! Worked great.