Failover doesn't fail-back… how to fix?
I have two ISP's,
WAN1 - FAST 160Gbit - no data cap - buggy
WAN2 - SLOW 6Mbit - 150gb data cap - solidI have failover set right, but once I have teh fast WAN1 back, the states don't drop on the slower capped link.
(I just got hammered for the first time EVER by going over the cap because I didn't notice this "sticky connection" issue.)Anyway I'm SURE this have been discussed, but i cannot locate a solution for force a fail-back.
I have checked the "kill states" option in advanced setup too.
What is the preferred solution?
Same problem here with 2.2.4.
Nobody has this problem? Any ideas to solve it?
I also have the same problem with my setup:
WAN1 - 1 Gbps PPPOE, GW group Tier1
WAN2 - 150Mbps, ISP router, private network, Tier 2Trigger: Packet loss.
It switched to backup instantly (WAN2) but it never falls back to WAN1 (main).
Any inputs please from more experienced members? Thanks.
Update: I read somewhere on the forum that a broken install might be the problem.
I reinstalled from scratch and it working, a simple failover only. I anyone interested, I will add the full setup later
Bug #5090 submitted, feel free to add comments
I am pretty sure this is exactly related to my issue and my most recent detailed post here:
I think getting the latest patch (version 2.3.2 p1)and setting the the default gateway on system>routing >gateway group..edit it and set it to default will solve the problem not sure somehow it worked for me !! :o ;D ;)
I'm also facing the same problem, Both gateways are online under Status tab, when wan goes down, it does not switch to wan2 which is in tier 2 trigger level Member down, please let me know the solution if have fixed this kind of issue..
try: System -> Advanced -> Miscellaneous : [v] Enable default gateway switching - check on
works for me2.2.5-RELEASE (i386)
built on Wed Nov 04 15:50:18 CST 2015
FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p24