Monitoring bandwidth by month on a system using an SSD Drive
I'm a newbie with pfSense and I apologize in advance if this has been covered elsewhere, the only results I see are from years ago and I need an up-to-date recommendation.
I'm running pfSense 2.4.4 on an i5 based system with Intel NIC's on an older 56GB SSD drive.
I need a "Simple" way to monitor monthly bandwidth usage on my WAN connection, log it, and display it in a "Simple" report so I can document it.
IF I need to log to another machine I do have a Linux based NAS that I can run that database on, as long as I have "Simple" instructions on how to set it up. I also have a Windows 2016 server I could log to.
I just moved into a Comcrap service area, this is my first time dealing with these crooks, and each month they keep bumping my usage up to the point that I have exceeded 1TB in the last two months. There is no way and I've read elsewhere that it's a scam. How I miss my Brighthouse, they don't cap, complain, they just provide a service that works...
I'm putting in my own modem before the end of the month and would like to have this up and running.
Both the RRD_Summary and Status_Traffic_Totals packages can provide this information. The 'traffic totals' package requires some setup before it will begin collecting data. The 'rrd summary' package is simpler and requires no setup.
Where is the data stored and do I need to worry about it running on my SSD drive?
I don't want to see my SSD drive die an early death from excessive read/writes...
As I mentioned I have access to a Linux system, Windows server, or I could even put a secondary drive (an actual hard drive) in the pfSense box if needed.
I don't think that is much of an issue with modern SSD drives. Disk writes like these were problematic with unmanaged flash memory like CF-Cards and USB sticks, but it should be safe to treat an SSD like any other disk. If you installed using ZFS, I believe TRIM should already be active.