OpenVPN interface IP is being used as gateway IP
Hi all,
After I added an OPT1 interface to use the ovpnc1 interface, I noticed that the gateway address for OPT1 is the same as the ovpnc1's IP (, instead of it using the OpenVPN server's address ( Since, the gateway and the interface IP are the same, dpinger is just sending ICMP packets to the local interface giving me 0.1ms as the response time.
In the screenshots, I have renamed OPT1 to VPN.
Have I made any errors in my configuration for this to happen?
You can monitor any IP you like: System -> Routing -> Edit your OpenVPN Gateway
Yeah, I know I can monitor any IP. I just wanted to know, why is the gateway using the interface's IP? Is it a bug? When I use ifconfig to check ovpnc1's status, it show's that the proper gateway IP (
ifconfig output (My reply is getting marked as spam when I post the ifconfig output here, for some reason) :
Even in the logs, I can see that the server is pushing its own address as the gateway, yet pfSense does not use it as the gateway IP:
Dec 21 02:45:36 openvpn 67745 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,route-gateway,topology subnet,ping 10,ping-restart 120,ifconfig,peer-id 0,cipher AES-256-GCM'