Create a bootable USB flash disk on MacOs
Couldn't find a good how-to make a bootable usb disk on macOS, so I made this for anyone else looking.
1. Download the memstick version
2. run "$ diskutil list"
3. insert your flash media
4. run "$ diskutil list" again, notice the new device that has appered
5. run "$ diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN", were "N" is the device number
7. extract your downloeded copy, so that you get the ".img" file
8. convert your downloaded copy of pfSense to iso "$ hdiutil convert pfSense-CE-memstick-2.4.2-RELEASE-amd64.img -format UDRW -o pfSense-CE-memstick-2.4.2-RELEASE-amd64.iso"
9. Remove the ".dmg" file extension of the outputtet file.
10. write the "iso" file to flash drive "$ sudo dd if=pfSense-CE-memstick-2.4.2-RELEASE-amd64.iso of=/dev/rdisk2 bs=1m". Notice the "r" in "rdisk". This will speed things up.
11. eject the flash drive, "$ diskutil eject /dev/disk2"
12. Done! -
Thank you for this. The official FAQ instructions didn't work for me. The resulting USB stick wasn't able to be booted from.
Basically, they just recommend doing the following if on a mac:
gzcat pfSense-CE-memstick-2.4.3-RELEASE-amd64.img.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/disk2s1 bs=1m
Your steps did end up working, so thanks again!
I was told quite some folks here now use Etcher, which is available for Win and maxOS, to write images to sticks.
As I am lazy I use applePi-Baker which has a nice GUI and is derived from the RaspberryPi universe.
As easy as point-n-shoot. -
This worked for me. Many Thanks!
It seems that everyone's methods are different.
Has no one ever done that ?