PfSense compatibility of WLAN USB sticks (Captive Portal HotSpot Configuration, (voucher)
So this box your going to run pfsense has no network cards?
I would suggest you use appropriate hardware for your "project" Your router should have 2 interfaces.. Or if only 1 then you need a switch that can do vlans.
There are always many ways to skin the cat.. I would not suggest usb as that way.. But yeah a usb ethernet stick would be better than a wireless stick..
Even buying a usb ethernet stick and a wifi router should only be about 40$ Shoot you could prob get a vlan capable switch and wifi router as AP for like $50 all new..
What does this network look like that you want to added your captive portal based wireless too - pfsense prob not the best choice depending on what else your wanting pfsense to do, etc. Something like unifi AP for example, and running their controller software would provide both the wireless with vlan support and captive portal features, etc. Their AP can be had for like $70 for the AC lite model.. And the controller software is FREE.
If you give some more details I would be happy to give my opinion on how I would skin the cat.
Vlt verstehen Sie mich.^^^
Ich benötige das Ganze für ein einmaliges Projekt für meine Prüfung. unifi AP wäre da etwas teuer.. ;(
Wrong lang for this section.
Unifi is just another option... What network are you going to be wanting to add this wirless with captive portal too.. Is pfsense going to be the edge router, ie connection to internet. Is it going to be some downstream router in your current network, etc.
Again happy to chime in on best way to skin the cat, on a budget as well.. But need to understand the network your going to be working with. Do you have vlan capable switches to work with? How is pfsense going to have connectivity to the rest of your network or the internet, etc.
What is the budget for this project if say 70$ is too expensive?
Ich muss das ganze @t home durchführen für ein Projekt meiner Prüfung. Als switch habe ich die zyxel gs1900-24e.
Please write in English in the native section.
German here:
Yeah please keep english in english, and other in other sections.. You started off with english, so confused why your posting German here?
So the gs1900-24e for sure should do vlans... So yeah you could setup a 1 nic pfsense box using vlans so that your wifi router is on different network.
So you don't even need another nic.. You just need a AP, so ANY 20$ wifi router would work.. Who doesn't have an old wifi router laying around... Shit I have like 3 of them ;)
Am curious to what "exam" this is?
@johnpoz Because I'm not very good at English.
I wanted to prevent misunderstandings.
I thank you very much for your help, but I have to read in further, I think it won't be very cheap, it's stupid that I only need the implementation once...
It is unfortunately very confusing which Wlan router is recommended as AP, because not only the model but also the internal components are changed... it is rather a matter of luck to buy something that is also capcha capable.
You can run the captive portal on pfsense.. ANY wifi router can be used as just AP. ANY!!! The cheapest wifi router you can buy can be used as just an AP... Since all of them are AP with nat router and switch...
To use ANY!!! wifi router as just an AP... Set its lan IP to be on the network your going to plug it into.. Lets say
Turn OFF Its dhcp server.. Plug it into your network via 1 of the LAN ports = AP...
Captive portal can be done on pfsense..
But sure you could run a wireless router that you can do say dd-wrt on and just do it all on that device.
@johnpoz said in PfSense compatibility of WLAN USB sticks (Captive Portal HotSpot Configuration, (voucher):
You can run the captive portal on pfsense.. ANY wifi router can be used as just AP. ANY!!! The cheapest wifi router you can buy can be used as just an AP... Since all of them are AP with nat router and switch...
To use ANY!!! wifi router as just an AP... Set its lan IP to be on the network your going to plug it into.. Lets say
Turn OFF Its dhcp server.. Plug it into your network via 1 of the LAN ports = AP...
Captive portal can be done on pfsense..
But sure you could run a wireless router that you can do say dd-wrt on and just do it all on that device.
Do you think that's a good choice for a one-way project: "TP-Link Archer C50 or TP-Link TL-WR841N"? USB to GLAN I have this adapter;
I'm also not quite sure if the AP doesn't have to support IEEE 802.1x / RADIUS as well, for authentication, or doesn't that matter with the AP, because pfSense software and the Intel take over?
moved to captive portal area, as this is not official Netgate hardware.
Why do you think you need that? You have a vlan switch - does this itx box not even have 1 nic?