CPU Activity - Possible Problem ?
Hello, noticed this while viewing CPU Activity. Couldn't find any info from google so I thought I would ask here.
Does the kernel zio write issue indicate a problem and if so what should I do about it?
Yeah, that's normal if you're running ZFS:
[2.4.5-DEVELOPMENT][root@xtm800.stevew.lan]/root: top -aSH last pid: 10629; load averages: 0.23, 0.18, 0.09 up 0+00:06:40 17:23:12 565 processes: 5 running, 498 sleeping, 62 waiting CPU: % user, % nice, % system, % interrupt, % idle Mem: 445M Active, 95M Inact, 1031M Wired, 260K Buf, 14G Free ARC: 451M Total, 72M MFU, 372M MRU, 965K Anon, 1226K Header, 4108K Other 110M Compressed, 338M Uncompressed, 3.09:1 Ratio Swap: 2048M Total, 2048M Free PID USERNAME PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE C TIME WCPU COMMAND 11 root 155 ki31 0K 64K CPU2 2 6:30 100.00% [idle{idle: cpu2}] 11 root 155 ki31 0K 64K CPU3 3 6:28 100.00% [idle{idle: cpu3}] 11 root 155 ki31 0K 64K CPU0 0 6:28 100.00% [idle{idle: cpu0}] 11 root 155 ki31 0K 64K RUN 1 6:29 98.00% [idle{idle: cpu1}] 27391 root 21 0 191M 150M nanslp 0 0:05 1.76% /usr/local/bin/ntopng -d /var/db/ntopng -G /var/run/ntopng.pid -s -e -w 0 -W 3000 -i em8 --dns-mode 0 --local-networks 192.168. 27391 root 20 0 191M 150M nanslp 2 0:02 0.68% /usr/local/bin/ntopng -d /var/db/ntopng -G /var/run/ntopng.pid -s -e -w 0 -W 3000 -i em8 --dns-mode 0 --local-networks 192.168. 27391 root 20 0 191M 150M nanslp 3 0:02 0.20% /usr/local/bin/ntopng -d /var/db/ntopng -G /var/run/ntopng.pid -s -e -w 0 -W 3000 -i em8 --dns-mode 0 --local-networks 192.168. 25118 root 20 0 156M 116M uwait 1 0:01 0.10% /usr/local/bin/suricata -i em8 -D -c /usr/local/etc/suricata/suricata_19205_em8/suricata.yaml --pidfile /var/run/suricata_em819 0 root -16 - 0K 4960K swapin 3 0:27 0.00% [kernel{swapper}] 12 root -60 - 0K 992K WAIT 1 0:01 0.00% [intr{swi4: clock (0)}] 0 root -12 - 0K 4960K - 1 0:01 0.00% [kernel{zio_write_issue_0}] 0 root -12 - 0K 4960K - 0 0:01 0.00% [kernel{zio_write_issue_2}] 0 root -12 - 0K 4960K - 2 0:01 0.00% [kernel{zio_write_issue_1}] 28211 root 30 0 98712K 39896K accept 0 0:01 0.00% php-fpm: pool nginx (php-fpm){php-fpm}
@Grimson , I did mention I tried to google for an explanation with no luck. I found nothing specific to my question and what I did find was beyond my understanding. I did get a really good chuckle out of your link though.
@stephenw10 , Even though the wording would seem to indicate a problem, I'll take your word for it that it isn't. I am using ZFS so it's good to know its normal, thanks!
Yeah it's not that sort of an issue but rather a process that's issuing writes as I understand it. I won't pretend to be any sort of ZFS expert though.
Suffice to say I see that on every box I have running ZFS and have never seen any problems on any of them.Steve
little over a year later i find myself here. then i think ok let me scroll down, there are MANY 'zio_free_issue_'
i assume this means free/available threads for write capability (zfs - input/output - free - issue - then the rest i assume is threads and then counts or something..) trails off
compared to most in the forums i know jack nothin about specifics like this (excluding majority networking) but the labeling makes sense
thanks either way to everyone