Hello there!
Has anybody managed to install pfsense on a Turris Omnia router? The fact that the Turris Omnias's Marvell Armada 385 ARM CPU/SoC is used in some of Netgate's own pfsense routers gives me some cause for optimism, although I cannot find any documentation about how to do that.
Almost certainly not.
The ARM images are not generally available but even if you used an image from one of the factory ARM devices or compiled your own it would likely not run on that board without some porting effort.Steve
Thanks for your feedback.
I am afraid I won't be able to do much porting work myself, though I can see that the Turris Omnia could greatly benefit from another OS, such as pfsense.What would it take to convince netgate to support that router as a platform? This old post on their forums could almost be read as an offer.
Do you think there's still some interest?
I doubt it unfortunately. Now that we have ported to our own ARM hardware there is a lot less reason to carry another device along with all the additional coding and testing that implies.
If FreeBSD was already running on it that is reduced but it still adds a lot of work for us to maintain.Steve
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