Vnstat2 statistic by billing month
I have vnstat2 installed and also set the start date for billing.
However, vnstat2 only shows the usage by actual calender month. I would like it to see by actual billing month.
Is that possible? Since I am asked for the start date of the billing month, it should work? Or am I missing something?
ANYBODY??? ???
Hey eddi1984,
Just installed vnstat2 would like to help out. What date do you have set in the "MonthRotate". Have you been running it more than one month?
I have the 22nd set as cutoff date. I installed vnstat2 beginning of April and was expecting it to start with May on the 22 or 23.
Maybe I posted a bit early, because I noticed, that beginning of May, it did not switch over to show the May traffic. It looks to me, like it would count until May 22, and than switch.
Any thoughts?