***SOLVED*** Cant seem to get my apt-get working on VM
I have few VM running, Ubuntu and Debian which is behind my pfsense, everything works fine but when it comes to running apt-get update or install it just say's connecting ....... and nothing happens.
What do I do to fix , This - I did disable PFNG Blocker and still no luck, I dont have any proxy server just pfsense and PFNG blocker which in this case is disable.
Are you actually seeing blocked traffic from those VMs?
What is the error shown? Is it failing to resolve?
Do you actually have IPv6 connectivity? If not you need to set those VMs to prefer v4, they are resolving a v6 IP and trying to reach it... and failing.
Thanks - That was the problem - I end up disabling Ipv6 in VM and everything went fine, here's what I did so it can help the others
I went in
/etc/sysctl.confAnd added the following line
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1You can check by doing the following
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6
If it returns 1 that means IpV6 is disable and if it returns 0 that means it's enable.
How and what can do I in pfsense so I dont have to individually go in each VM and do this.
I imagine those VMs are doing that because they think they have a valid v6 connection. Disable IPv6 on the pfSense LAN. That will require disabling DHCPv6 if it's enabled.
@stephenw10 said in Cant seem to get my apt-get working on VM:
Disable IPv6 on the pfSense LAN
Thanks - It's resolved - I've disable DHCP 6 server and uncheck in my LAN interface everything is perfect now.