no internet in my ubuntu clients please help
I just Placed 3 ubuntu Clients on my network, but they wont connect to the internet. Please Help
Provide details of your LAN, and the output of ifconfig from one of the Linux boxes. If other LAN clients work then the problem is with these Ubuntu clients. If they ae the only clients on the network then your problem may be with your network config.
Only the Ubuntu Clients dont have internet
Provide details of your LAN, and the output of ifconfig from one of the Linux boxes.
PfSense WAN ip is through Viasat
PfSense Lan IP
Ubuntu IP
Nothing Special for routing. -
Can the clients ping
@KOM no
What is their gateway setting? Can any of them ping the pfSense LAN address?
@KOM they can ping lan addresses but nothing on wan side
Please answer my questions if you want my help.
What is their gateway setting?
Can any of them ping the pfSense LAN address? I'm not asking if they can ping each other on LAN. I'm asking if they can ping the pfSense LAN IP address, perhaps
@KOM Gateway is set to, yes they can ping
OK then it sounds like they're configured properly. Next is firewall rules. Please post a screen of your LAN rules. You can upload images her directly. No need to link elsewhere.
Do you have any packages installed?
No Packages Installed on ubuntu or pfsense
Those rules look good. What is WANs? A gateway group? Can you show System - Routing - Gateways and System - Routing - Gateway Groups?
I don't have a multi-WAN config so I don't have much knowledge there when it comes to gateway groups. Do other networks, like HOME or SECURITY, use the same gateway group? Are there any other clients on the TOWER network? Are these Ubuntu clients static or DHCP?
@KOM Home and Security Share a gateway and one WAN, Office Has its own gateway and WAN, Tower has its own Gateway and WAN. Tower is where the Ubuntu Clients are along with tons of Wireless Bridging Equipment that connects all my Employees back to the main office. We were running Windows PCs until the Microsoft Accounts got hacked for the 10th time this year.
Are these Ubuntu clients static or DHCP?
@KOM dhcp
What is the output of:
sudo ip route | grep default
Are the Ubuntu clients actually getting IP addresses from the pfsense DHCP server? Or is your DHCP coming from somewhere else?
@akuma1x enp025 proto link src metric 100
@KOM enp025 proto link src metric 100
@communitylinksd Not quite. Looks like you just pasted your answer to the other guy. Here is what I get:
default via dev ens33 prot dhcp src metric 100
@KOM what do you mean not quite.
You seem to be missing a default route. Are there any other clients on TOWER that are working? I'm trying to narrow this down to a Ubuntu issue or a gateway groups issue.
@KOM yes there are other clients online on tower but none are ubuntu clients
@KOM you mean dev enp0s25 scope link metric 1000
OK, so it's a Ubuntu issue exclusively. Where did come from? That's an APIPA address. If that's what you've got for IP addresses, then that means none of the cliens could get an address from the DHCP server.
@KOM enp025 proto link src metric 100
this is under the one i just shared -
Just for a test, what happens if you configure one of these Ubuntu clients with a static IP address, netmask & gateway? Then try to ping
@KOM tried still no luck
And these are physical clients or virtual machines?
@KOM physical
Well, I'm stumped. We've gone through pretty much everything.
@KOM ya i know i was hoping that someone else had a thought about it. The machine use to have windows installed so i know it worked on the network before.
here is a question: does ubuntu not like the netmask of
I can't see why. That's a common mask. Test it by manually setting the mask to a /24 or /16 or something.
@KOM found the problem i think. i can setup a new Network Profile in static Mode and its working for now.
I spin up Ubuntu servers all the time, both static and dynamic, and they never have any problems talking. If it's working for you then great. I suspected it might be something totally weird, but you had it with three different boxes.