Migration to sg1100
Hello everyone, I have to go from an amd system to the new sg1100, do you think it is better to start from scratch or can I import the configuration of the pc amd?
Thank you -
make a backup configuration of your old system, edit it with notepad++ for example
search for the name of the interface you had under the old pc and replace
with the new name
save it to a new copy
install the new sg1100
go to the webgui and restore the configuration of pfsense with the new file.
wait for the system to reinstall additional packages you had before
reboot -
All depends on how complex your config was.. If it was pretty much out of the box, prob easier to just do scratch.. But if you had hundreds of vlans and complex rules?
@johnpoz ehmmm no no, I have one wan, one lan ( whitout vlan) and one access point..... :-)
Thank you. -
Yeah scratch would be way to go then ;)
@johnpoz Thank you.
Can you please give me an answer to that?
Importing a config into the SG-1100 can be more difficult that expected due to the required switch/vlan setup. If you have a very simple config then, yes, re-creating it on the SG-1100 is probably the easiest way forward.
@stephenw10 OK many thanks.