Netgate SG-3100 LAN ports cannot go through LAN Gateway.
I purchased Netgate SG-3100 2 months ago and trying to learn pfSense since then.
But right now I met a very strange problem, which is all the LAN port devices can't connect to LAN gateway which is
Below is my LAN interface setting.
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The WAN is connect to a static IP modem. Below is my WAN interface setting.
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The OPT1 is called WirelessNetwork interface connect to a wifi access point with IP address Below is my WirelessNetwork interface setting.
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And below is my firewall rules:
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It's very strange that I connect two Windows 10 computers to LAN1 and LAN2, they got corrected IPv4 addresses from LAN DHCP server but cannot go through or ping But these two computers can ping each other.
I checked all Ethernet cables and they're all good. I connect a switch to OPT1 port (the WirelessNetwork) with upon computers and all computers can go through and ping and also
Can anyone help why my LAN ports cannot go through LAN Gateway? Is there any other settings I missed? Thank you. -
first, i can tell you that the second rule on WAN interface is wrong,
you will never see "LAN net" from the "WAN" interface.
is there any reason to block port 10443 to the firewall?
the WAN ip is not 192.168.1.x right?
the configuration of the interfaces and the other rules seems good to me, maybe there is a problem from the dhcp server.
i don't know the sg3100 very well idk if that "switch port" need a selection -
And how are you accessing it to show the images?
And yeah that 2nd wan rule is just pointless -
@mmajian said in Netgate SG-3100 LAN ports cannot go through LAN Gateway.:
I connect a switch to OPT1 port (the WirelessNetwork) with upon computers and all computers can go through and ping and also
i suppose from there ^
@mmajian said in Netgate SG-3100 LAN ports cannot go through LAN Gateway.:
wifi access point with IP address
How is your AP same IP as your pfsense interface?
Vs showing your IP settings, show us your switch settings - this is where the lan ports are.
@kiokoman It should be port 443 to the firewall. And the WAN ip is static IP from IPS not 192.168.x.x.
The DHCP looks correct, all computers got the correct Ip address. -
ok, if you didn't set any wrong gateway on the dhcp server,
now give more info to johnpoz -
@johnpoz Thank you. I can access to firewall from OPT1 port (the WirelessNetwork) interface. I disabled firewall rules for WirelessNetwork interface.
Well if your getting dhcp - from pfsense? Or you got some other device on your network with handing out dhcp?? On your clients that are on validate the mac of what your seeing for 192.168.1/24 that its pfsense mac address.
@johnpoz Sorry, the wifi access point with IP address My IP settings are: LAN, WAN static IP from IPS, Wirelessnetwork,
OpenVPN -
Ok great - now lets see you validate that your clients are seeing the correct mac for pfsense lan interface.. You show pfsense log handing them IP address?
Lets see your switch config in your pfsense, and lets see your interface assignments.
@johnpoz Only one Win10 computer connect to LAN1 prot. It received correct IP address as But it can't ping to
And I can see the correct IP, MAC and computer name in pfSense DHCP leases, but the online status is offline. -
@johnpoz The switch is LAN1 active with default config. The interface assignments are
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maybe some antivirus/firewall on that windows 10 machine that can block it?
is the network set as public instead of private ? -
@mmajian said in Netgate SG-3100 LAN ports cannot go through LAN Gateway.:
but the online status is offline.
That means it can not get dns..
Well if you can see the correct mac and get an IP - then yeah I would think something wrong on the machine itself if plugged directly into the 3100 switch ports, and nothing else connected. Simple enough to sniff on pfsense - while your pinging, so you see the pings or not?
@johnpoz I disabled all firewalls in Win10 computer and still can't ping. And no I can't see any pings or traffics from win10 computer to pfSense in firewall logs.
Hmm, curious. Are the switch settings in the SG-3100 still at their defaults?
Can you ping out from pfSense to the Windows host on LAN?
@stephenw10 Yes, the switch settings for SG-3100 are their defaults. And no I can't ping Windows host from pfSense (connection timed out.)
Hmm, sure behaves like a subnet conflict, like there is something else there responding as If that was the case I would expect to see a load of errors in the system log though.
Try running a packet capture on the LAN from Diag > Packet capture whilst pinging from the Windows host. Do you see the pings arriving?
@stephenw10 I also did try to change IP address for LAN to And Windows computer get correct IP from DHCP But still can't ping LAN.
I will try to run packet capture on Monday and see what will happen. Thank you so much.