System Routing Log getting flooded by radvd issues with fe80::
I have a working IPv6 setup through Hurricane Electric (HE), interface VMx1 is my Internal Lan and has a a public IPv6 assigned to it.
Is there a configurable setting to fix this somewhere that i'm not seeing?
Oct 13 09:53:37 radvd[26539]: DNSSL suffix localdomain received on vmx1 from fe80::feb5:8fc9 is not advertised by us
Oct 13 09:53:37 radvd[26539]: our AdvOtherConfigFlag on vmx1 doesn't agree with fe80::feb5:8fc9
Oct 13 09:53:32 radvd[26539]: DNSSL suffix localdomain received on vmx1 from fe80::feb5:8fc9 is not advertised by us
Oct 13 09:53:32 radvd[26539]: our AdvOtherConfigFlag on vmx1 doesn't agree with fe80::feb5:8fc9
Oct 13 09:53:26 radvd[26539]: DNSSL suffix localdomain received on vmx1 from fe80::feb5:8fc9 is not advertised by us
Oct 13 09:53:26 radvd[26539]: our AdvOtherConfigFlag on vmx1 doesn't agree with fe80::feb5:8fc9
Oct 13 09:53:20 radvd[26539]: DNSSL suffix localdomain received on vmx1 from fe80::feb5:8fc9 is not advertised by us
Oct 13 09:53:20 radvd[26539]: our AdvOtherConfigFlag on vmx1 doesn't agree with fe80::feb5:8fc9i am using the latest public build of PF Sense: 2.2.4-RELEASE (amd64), built on Sat Jul 25 19:57:37 CDT 2015
Sounds like there is another device on your LAN segment that is wanting to be a router.
Sounds like there is another device on your LAN segment that is wanting to be a router.
Indeed. radvd is telling SharkBit that another device is advertising a DNSSL local domain and O bit that are different to those being advertised by pfSense.
If pfSense is the gateway, the announcements from the other device (whatever has the link local address of fe80::feb5:8fc9) should be disabled.