EZIO Driver for LCDproc
....and the buttons on the S4 work fine too if I enter the correct conf lines.
Perfect seems to be working now, Port speed in the GUI doesn't seem to make a difference 9600 and 2400 both work.
@stephenw10 What is the lcdexec stuff?
now it's time to clean up the stuff
Greate Work guys.
I'll setup my Smoothwall S4 now - I need to ship it to a customer anyway with pfsense on it. I think the port speed doesn't really apply from the gui I have found and never really found an instance where I have had to change it away from 9600.
@aprice512 said in EZIO Driver for LCDproc:
@stephenw10 What is the lcdexec stuff?
This patch added some default lcdexec commands. You have to enable it in the package setup:
pfSense control menu
Once you do you get an extra menu at the LCD, press ESC to see the Options> line then hit DOWN and you'll see pfSense> where you can choose to reboot or shutdown. From the LCD!
ok,done, i have cleaned more stuff
This is merged and looks good. It's in lcdproc package version: 0.10.6_10
Since my EZIO-100 is Serial based and I don't have a serial connection on my motherboard, I have a USB to Serial adapter, but I am unsure of how I would use this here, I plugged everything in, yet nothing on the screen, but I'm not sure if it has to do with setting the COM port to something specific.
@MXNPD try all available ports
anyway @stephenw10
it''s not available for my 2.5.0. only for 2.4.5
2.5.0 is still on LCDproc sysutils 0.10.8_4 for me -
Same here. The 2.5 package builders may not be running right now. Other priorities with 2.4.5 issues.
@MXNPD Check /dev for new devices when you attach it. Check the system log or dmesg for errors if you don't see a new device. I would expect it to be on /dev/cuaU0 though. Unless you have other USB com ports.
@kiokoman said in EZIO Driver for LCDproc:
@MXNPD try all available ports
anyway @stephenw10
it''s not available for my 2.5.0. only for 2.4.5
2.5.0 is still on LCDproc sysutils 0.10.8_4 for me2.5.0 is a dev firewall, why would you run something that is dev in protection (aka beta)??
I mean there are reasons you might want to do that, obviously not recommended though.
But this was just commenting that the package had not been built for 2.5 yet. I assume the patch was developed and tested on 2.5 first in this instance.
indeed @Smoothrunnings, all the patch and dev must be done on the dev version of pfsense aka 2.5.0, they then decide if and when to port it to the other version, i can't submit a patch directly to 2.4.5. that's why i was saying that, the patch was intended for 2.5.0 not for 2.4.5 but they decided to port and buld it for 2.4.5 before 2.5.0.
It's in the 2.5 dev source, the package builders just haven't run yet.
yes i understand, i was just explaining to him why i brought up version 2.5 in this discussion
Hi all,
I tried the updated package out I'm running 2.4.5 on a Smoothwall S4, however it seems unable to write the config file, as it never appears. I created the config file /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf manually and was still unable to start the service. I then modified /usr/local/pkg/lcdproc.inc, line define('LCDPROC_RCFILE', '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/lcdproc.sh'); as the filesystem showed the rc file without .sh
The service then started however clearly the client is not communicating as I just have LCDPROC servrer Cli: 0 on the screen.
That's as far as I have got so far. I did previously have this working using the shellcmd method.
:| -
Did you save both the LCD drive screens tabs in the package? Both need to have at least one thing set before the package will start.
@stephenw10 yes, reinstalled the package and have done the same just to make sure I am not mad. so no mods this time, same effect. Ie lcdproc server is running but no client connected.
I have mine setup just like yourself image shows, but when I run the LCDproc service is fails. Any ideas?
My SmoothWall uses the CAR-3030.