Provision a SG-3100 device form a SG-5100 back-up
I purchased 11 Netgate devices, mostly 5100 and 3100 models. I would like to use the back-up file from a 5100 to provision the 3100 devices since the settings, including the interfaces, are alike. After updating Pfsense to the latest release and restoring the 3100 device with the 5100 back-up file, the 3100 hung during boot. Can this be done, and if so do you have any idea why the 3100 hangs at boot? During restore, I did get an interface mismatch error but was able to correct this.
Hi Paul,
You should be able to able to do that as long as all the interface mismatches are corrected before you reboot.
If anything is still mismatched it will stop at the interfaces assign prompt in the console. Did you have the console open? I would bet that's what happened.Steve