Firebox LCD Driver for LCDProc
Hmm, so simply not saving the config. Are you able to make other changes there? Is it possible the user you're using has 'config deny write' set? Try using the admin user if you're not.
Do you see any errors in the system log when you try to enable the LCD?
I am logged in as admin. I'll check the logs..
@stephenw10 im sorry, where are the logs? still very new to this.
In Status > System Logs > System / General tab.
If there is some issue saving the package settings I would expect to see something logged there when you try.
That's with these settings.
Hmm, what pfSense version is this? Looks it must be 2.4.5.
What lcdproc package version?
Yes it's version 2.4.5 and package is version 0.10.6_10. This is what was in the available packages. -
OK it's working but I had to do the following. I copied code from another post into the config.xml, then performed a reboot.
Thankyou for your help in helping me to work this out. Really appreciate it. I know it's only a lcd screen but being new to pfsense and code etc these small victories help to build confidence.
Hmm, odd. I couldn't replicate that. Glad you got it running anyway.
@stephenw10 yea, very strange. It seems to me that the lcdproc service window where you set that information isn't copying and saving that information.
Thanks again -
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