Upgrade PFSense 2.4.5 SQUID+LDAP erro
Também estou com o mesmo problema.
Você conseguiu resolver o problema? -
Ainda não, fiquei de meia noite até meio dia fazendo dúzias de testes mas sem sucesso, abri um ticket no redmine. https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/10379
Eu fiz alguns testes e cheguei a conclusão que o problema está na versão do squid. Deu o mesmo problema com a versão 2.4.4 limpa
Same issue at my side...
I checked packetcapture data sent to LDAP server:
in LDAP bind request packet is WRONG password, there is space (HEX 20) added before real password.
That is obviously rejected by LDAP server with "Invalid credentials" status.
Some typo in source code ??In packet I also noticed double quotes were added to "LDAP Server user DN" & "LDAP base domain", but in previous version I had to input double quotes into textbox to let LDAP work. Now, extra double quotes are sent to server, now sure if that will cause another issue. Of course I can delete my double quotes from textbox, but other users will not know it. Maybe some (i) information hint should be added near related textbox.
fix: https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/10379#note-6
Solução manual para corrigir o problema.
Baixar o arquivo squid.inc do link e copiar para a pasta /usr/local/pkg/
[2.4.5-RELEASE][root@pfSense]/home: fetch https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports/raw/0342afde429be7e07e1426547ecb63f6ac56503e/www/pfSense-pkg-squid/files/usr/local/pkg/squid.inc
[2.4.5-RELEASE][root@pfSense]/home: cp squid.inc /usr/local/pkg/
The Save button at the bottom of this page must be clicked to save configuration changes.
To activate squidGuard configuration changes, the Apply button must be clicked. -
@brittos said in Upgrade PFSense 2.4.5 SQUID+LDAP erro:
cp squid.inc /usr/local/pkg/
I tried and it did not work here
Date IP Status Address User Destination
28.03.2020 23:34:45 NONE/000 error:transaction-end-before-headers - -
28.03.2020 23:34:45 NONE/000 error:transaction-end-before-headers - -
28.03.2020 23:34:44 TCP_DENIED/407 http://detectportal.firefox.com/success.txt - -
28.03.2020 23:34:43 TCP_DENIED/407 http://detectportal.firefox.com/success.txt - -
28.03.2020 23:34:42 TCP_DENIED/407 http://detectportal.firefox.com/success.txt - -
28.03.2020 23:34:39 TCP_DENIED/407 http://detectportal.firefox.com/success.txt - -
28.03.2020 23:34:34 TCP_DENIED/407 http://detectportal.firefox.com/success.txt - -
28.03.2020 23:34:29 TCP_DENIED/407 http://detectportal.firefox.com/success.txt - -
28.03.2020 23:34:13 TCP_DENIED/407 www.bol.uol.com.br:443 ismael-azambuja -
28.03.2020 23:33:54 TCP_DENIED/407 http://detectportal.firefox.com/success.txt - - -
@IsmaelPA Tem que aplicar alguma regra no squid para salvar o squid.conf corretamente.
@IsmaelPA Vc consegiu resolver o problema? estou exatamente com o mesmo erro.