SG-3100 Sierra Wireless AirPrime EM7455
I have a Sierra Wireless AirPrime EM7455 modem, installed inside the SG-3100. It is a branded original modem.Using PPP mode the device works using device /dev/cuaU0.2 , however the throughput isnt very good.
Speaking with the supplier of the modem the suggestion is that throughput should be better using QMI drivers.
Has anyone compiled and have available these drivers for testing ?
or have any other suggestions for improving the throughout. Using the same sim, in a mobile via hotspot to a laptop gives 90Mb down & 60Mb up. however via the SG-3100 the throughput is 15Mb down & 10Mb up which seems to be a limitation of PPP rather than the modem its self.
any help would be much appreciated.
(Netgate : this device is easyly sourced, if support could be compiled into pfsence it would enhance the product)
how did you install the external antenna? i am also considering the EM7455 as a backup
YOu need two diametriacally oposed antenners for the diversity to work. I just drilled the case and mouned them on the SMA connections and then screwed the aerials.
I have a PPP conenction working well and stable, the problem with true LTE speeds are not posisble without using the drivers installed. I have the source to compile the drivers but cannot compile them.
What source for the drivers are you using here?
There are no QMI drivers for FreeBSD as far as know. The closest thing is the umb driver from OpenBSD that provides MBIM mode. That would require porting to FreeBSD though.
It is possible to get better speeds than that via ppp though. I have seen ~40Mbps though an em7305 and others on the forum reported ~60Mbps.
@stephenw10 If I could get those sort of speeds it would be an interum solution. We're not seeing anyting like that though and the area is served very well with 4G. Testing on mobile phones is reaping even more again.
Well speeds here do vary, a lot! 40Mbps was the best I ever saw.
If you have source for a FreeBSD QMI driver that I haven't noticed we can look at it. I would personally benefit from that so...
@stephenw10 Sierra Wireless provided me the source assuming I could compile it. I talking to someone who knew about BSD and they said that it probably wouldnt compile on BSD at it seems to need generic linux specific resources.
If you want to link me to it in a PM I can review it. But, yeah, as far as I know there is QMI code for FreeBSD. They probably just sent you Linux drivers which are useless here.
@stephenw10 I've sent you a link to the files.