Test Request: UPnP Fix for Multiple Consoles playing the same game / static port outbound NAT
We have added the 2.2.0-RC1 version of miniupnpd to the repository for pfSense 2.5.0 and so it should be included in snapshots shortly, later today or tomorrow, for additional (and easier) testing.
I updated my 5100 from the web UI this morning (from the latest stable official release to the latest devel release.)
I can confirm that, with the correct NAT rules, I seem to be able to get multiple consoles online successfully using UPNP. My household has 3 switches, 2 XBox Ones and 2 PS4s, and I was able to get them all connected simultaneously with suitable NAT levels and no error reports.
I can provide more detailed information to @jimp if necessary.
I'll be doing some more testing later today to make sure I haven't missed anything, but so far so good.
That's good news!
@andrew_r said in Test Request: UPnP Fix for Multiple Consoles playing the same game / static port outbound NAT:
with the correct NAT rules
Do you mean the correct NAT rules generated automatically by UPnP, or did you have manual rules setup for those consoles?
@jimp I had some manual rules set up from previous attempts, but they are fairly simple.
(1) Assign each console a static IP.
(2) Set up an firewall alias called UNPNP_NAT_GROUP containing those IPs.
(3) Set up an outbound NAT rule as follows:
Interface: WAN
Address Family: IPv4 (I don't use IPv6)
Protocol: any
Source: Network / UNPNP_NAT_GROUP / 32 <-- not sure the 32 is right.
Destination: Any
Static Port: Checked
Description: UNPNP NAT Static Port RuleAnything not mentioned was left as default.
(4) UPNP Settings:
Enable UPnP & NAT-PMP: Checked
Allow UPnP Port Mapping: Checked
Allow NAT-PMP Port Mapping: CheckedExternal Interface: WAN
Interfaces: LANLog Packets: Checked.
I haven't played around with the default deny option, and I have "allow 1024-65535 x.x.x.0/24 1024-65535" in the ACL field (where x.x.x is my network), although I think it might not be necessary unless I enable default deny.
I'm not a firewall expert by any means, but this seems to do the trick. I'd appreciate it if you let me know if I've done something dumb here :)
By the way; I do get this on reboot:Crash report begins. Anonymous machine information: amd64 12.1-STABLE FreeBSD 12.1-STABLE 1626cb2f005(factory-devel-12) pfSense Crash report details: PHP Errors: [11-Jun-2020 13:20:35 America/New_York] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /etc/rc.dyndns.update on line 52 No FreeBSD crash data found.
jimp Rebel Alliance Developer Netgatelast edited by jimp Jun 11, 2020, 8:52 PM Jun 11, 2020, 8:52 PM
@andrew_r said in Test Request: UPnP Fix for Multiple Consoles playing the same game / static port outbound NAT:
@jimp I had some manual rules set up from previous attempts, but they are fairly simple.
Can you try with those rules disabled?
Was that working before this version of UPnP?
We are primarily interested in knowing if this fixed situations that were broken before, or allows things to work with less intervention overall.
@jimp It was not working with the previous release. There were errors upnp errors in my log, and nothing showing in the upnp status area.
I'll test disabling the rules, and get back to you but, if it's any help, I forgot to add the second xbox to the alias group at first (so the rules weren't applied to it), and that xbox reported back that it was double-nat'ed. Similarly, I forgot with the 2nd PS4 and the third Switch, they reported NAT Type 3 (rather than 1) and Nat Type 3 (rather than 2).
Does this answer your question, or would it help for me to retest with the rules completely disabled? (I have hybrid mode set, by the way).
@jimp PS. Is the boot error I posted something to be concerned with?
Please test without any Outbound rules enabled.Also, do you have any games of the same console that previously had issues with joining a lobby or playing together? If so, are those working now?
@andrew_r said in Test Request: UPnP Fix for Multiple Consoles playing the same game / static port outbound NAT:
eans, but this seems to do the trick. I'd appreciate it if you let me know if I've done som
I tested Minecraft on both xboxes with and without the outbound nat rule enabled.
With; everything worked fine.
Without; the first xbox was able to connect to the realm fine, but the second hung on "loading resources" before it even got to the main menu for me to join the realm.So, I'd say the outbound rule is necessary, at least as far as Xbox goes.
Note that each console (including PS4 and Switch) reports the NAT as strict and/or double-nat'ed without the rule.
Oh, I also had "Enable NAT Reflection for 1:1 NAT" and turned on and "Automatic create outbound NAT rules that direct traffic back out to the same subnet it originated from." in the system/advanced/nat and firewall menu, if that makes a difference.
That's weird. In my tests, I did not have the outbound rules set up and it seemed to work.
That is strange.Not sure what's going on, but for some reason in my configuration, I require the outbound rules.
It may be to do with the ATT fiber connection? I've set the ATT box to behave as passthrough directly to the 5100, but I'm not sure that's doing exactly what I hope it is (or else why would people use pfatt?). I suspect that's the cause of the double nat error, and possibly why you're seeing a different result to me.
I guess the question I have is, if you add the rule, does your configuration still work?
@Marc05 By the way, this was with xbox - I didn't have anywhere near as many issues with the PS4s and the Switches.
Adding the rules still keeps it working.
I upgrade pfSense and then found out my son took his PS4.......so i will have to wait to verify functionality tomorrow.
@Marc05 My guess is that they'll be necessary for XBox One. You only tested with PS4, correct?
Ok when I ran the command you asked for I received the following:
[2.5.0-DEVELOPMENT][admin@BridgesSense.localdomain]/root: pfSsh.php playback pfa nchordrill ipsec rules/nat contents: miniupnpd rules/nat contents: nat quick on em0 inet proto udp from port = 9308 to any keep state label " to 9308 (UDP)" rtable 0 -> 24.255.xxx.xxx port 9308 rdr pass quick on em0 inet proto udp from any to any port = 9308 keep state labe l " to 9308 (UDP)" rtable 0 -> port 9308 natearly rules/nat contents: natrules rules/nat contents: openvpn rules/nat contents: tftp-proxy rules/nat contents: userrules rules/nat contents: [2.5.0-DEVELOPMENT][admin@BridgesSense.localdomain]/root: miniupnpd --version miniupnpd 2.2.0-RC1 Jun 10 2020 using pf backend
I tried my other PS4 (COD) and got no love.
I then restarted the UPNP service and tried connecting on both PS4's then received the following:[2.5.0-DEVELOPMENT][admin@BridgesSense.localdomain]/root: pfSsh.php playback pfanchordrill ipsec rules/nat contents: miniupnpd rules/nat contents: nat quick on em0 inet proto udp from port = 9308 to any keep state label " to 9308 (UDP)" rtable 0 -> 24.255.xxx.xxx port 9308 nat quick on em0 inet proto udp from port = 3074 to any keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> 24.255.xxx.xxx port 3074 rdr pass quick on em0 inet proto udp from any to any port = 9308 keep state label " to 9308 (UDP)" rtable 0 -> port 9308 rdr pass quick on em0 inet proto udp from any to any port = 3074 keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> port 3074 natearly rules/nat contents: natrules rules/nat contents: openvpn rules/nat contents: tftp-proxy rules/nat contents: userrules rules/nat contents:
Still not working with both PS4's online have to completely disconnect one to get it to work.
Let me know what other settings or logs you might need to help diag.I have assigned Static IPs to both PS4s ( and
Make sure you enable Pure NAT, and check "Enable automatic outbound NAT for Reflection" under System / Advanced / Firewall & NAT
After changing those settings this is what I get:[2.5.0-DEVELOPMENT][admin@BridgesSense.localdomain]/root: pfSsh.php playback pfanchordrill ipsec rules/nat contents: miniupnpd rules/nat contents: nat quick on em0 inet proto udp from port = 9308 to any keep state label " to 9308 (UDP)" rtable 0 -> 24.255.xxx.xxx port 9308 nat quick on em0 inet proto udp from port = 3074 to any keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> 24.255.xxx.xxx port 3074 nat quick on em0 inet proto udp from port = 3074 to any keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> 24.255.xxx.xxx port 3108 nat quick on em0 inet proto udp from port = 3074 to any keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> 24.255.xxx.xxx port 3167 nat quick on em0 inet proto udp from port = 3074 to any keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> 24.255.xxx.xxx port 3116 nat quick on em0 inet proto udp from port = 9305 to any keep state label " to 9305 (UDP)" rtable 0 -> 24.255.xxx.xxx port 9305 nat quick on em0 inet proto udp from port = 9306 to any keep state label " to 9306 (UDP)" rtable 0 -> 24.255.xxx.xxx port 9306 nat quick on em0 inet proto udp from port = 3659 to any keep state label "EA Tunnel" rtable 0 -> 24.255.xxx.xx port 3659 nat quick on em0 inet proto udp from port = 3074 to any keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> 24.255.xxx.xxx port 3172 nat quick on em0 inet proto udp from port = 3074 to any keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> 24.255.xxx.xxx port 3096 rdr pass quick on em0 inet proto udp from any to any port = 9308 keep state label " to 9308 (UDP)" rtable 0 -> port 9308 rdr pass quick on em0 inet proto udp from any to any port = 3074 keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> port 3074 rdr pass quick on em0 inet proto udp from any to any port = 3108 keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> port 3074 rdr pass quick on em0 inet proto udp from any to any port = 3167 keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> port 3074 rdr pass quick on em0 inet proto udp from any to any port = 3116 keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> port 3074 rdr pass quick on em0 inet proto udp from any to any port = 9305 keep state label " to 9305 (UDP)" rtable 0 -> port 9305 rdr pass quick on em0 inet proto udp from any to any port = 9306 keep state label " to 9306 (UDP)" rtable 0 -> port 9306 rdr pass quick on em0 inet proto udp from any to any port = 3659 keep state label "EA Tunnel" rtable 0 -> port 3659 rdr pass quick on em0 inet proto udp from any to any port = 3172 keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> port 3074 rdr pass quick on em0 inet proto udp from any to any port = 3096 keep state label "DemonwarePortMapping" rtable 0 -> port 3074 natearly rules/nat contents: natrules rules/nat contents: openvpn rules/nat contents: tftp-proxy rules/nat contents: userrules rules/nat contents:
It now appears to be working. Tonight we will try it out and see if we can get matchmaking.
When playing I get Strict NAT on both devices. Should this be the case with UPnP setup?