be honest are you worried about corona
Because Malaria, Dengue, etc are not human to human contagious.
@jwj said in be honest are you worried about corona:
Because Malaria, Dengue, etc are not human to human contagious.
Will you wouldn't need mosquito nets for human to human contact.. My point is why are they not as worried about something that is clearly killing allot of people?!? How about the 200,000+ people a year killed by mistakes in the hospitals?
This all seems like a big exercise in control to me. Yes it is dangerous to certain people. But never before have healthy people been quarantined due to a pandemic. In fact after the flu pandemic of 1918-1920 it was decided by medical experts at the time that outdoor hospitals would be used to help people have fresh air and sunlight to help kill off the spread. So why did the governments tell people they should stay inside with their stagnant air and not recommend that they turn on every exhaust fan they have in the house 24/7?
If your worried then by all means do everything you can to avoid other people. But by all means get out in the open and get some sunlight whenever possible.
I guess what Im saying is that I am no more worried about this than I am anything else. And Im not gonna let it stress me out.
"My point is why are they not as worried about something that is clearly killing allot of people?!?"
You're trying to appear like you have some knowledge in this area. You clearly don't. Do you live in a place with endemic malaria? Dengue? Have you ever seen someone with Malaria? I have. I have spent the better part of 2 decades working with populations that do live with the risk of mosquito born disease. Cambodia, Laos, Burma. Enormous amounts of money and time are spent on mosquito born disease.
You also appear to be motivated by other things than facts based on your signature, so I'll add you to my ignore list from here on.
No worries. I won't let that stress me out either.
@chpalmer said in be honest are you worried about corona:
This all seems like a big exercise in control to me. Yes it is dangerous to certain people. But never before have healthy people been quarantined due to a pandemic. In fact after the flu pandemic of 1918-1920 it was decided by medical experts at the time that outdoor hospitals would be used to help people have fresh air and sunlight to help kill off the spread. So why did the governments tell people they should stay inside with their stagnant air and not recommend that they turn on every exhaust fan they have in the house 24/7?
If your worried then by all means do everything you can to avoid other people. But by all means get out in the open and get some sunlight whenever possible.
I guess what Im saying is that I am no more worried about this than I am anything else. And Im not gonna let it stress me out.
@chpalmer -- I tend to agree. I am concerned that we don't get any details on what a "Case" is. Frail old/sick people, people who have mild to moderate symptoms are very different from a practical matter. If you look at this www you tube com / watch?v=kIngGuof9E0 ... and it seems quite credible, a lot of the excess deaths might be due to mismanagement of treatment.
The collective "We" need to wake up "think", "question" and "debate". Unfortunately as a profession medicine has a tendency to be dictatorial and arrogant. Some doctors report having success with hydroxichloriquine, (a drug which can be dangerous in some cases/wrong dose/etc.), but instead of conducting a study to find out how to make it work, there appears to be active sabotage www you tube com / watch?v=q41F11PzB-A to push Vaccines as our "only salvation".
The same media that spouts "Hydroxychloroquine too risky", in the next breath is pushing an experimental vaccine that may have far worse consquences for humanity just doesn't make sense except if it is propaganda to sell vaccines and make buckets of money for the promoters.
For anyone who cares to educate themself I would recommend that you google "Suzanne Humphries". She has a lot of good research (from peer reviewed sources), she talks about the immune system, how vaccines work, the medical literature that is there that is being ignored etc. Blindly trusting the FDA/CDC/WHO - who have all been found guilty of malfeasance over the years without transparancy is like letting pedofiles ran a day care unsupervised!
History has shown that kernels of truth emerge long before the masses (an the power groups) are willing to accept it. I beleive Galileo was just recently (within the last 10 years) pardoned for having the audacity to challange the orthodox wisdom and suggest that the earth revolves around the sun, and that the earth was not the centre of the universe. Truth survives in the light, lies don't.
If everyone educates themself and influences those within their immediate sphere of influence we can create change.
China seals off county of 400K people. Just for fun, I guess.
I see totals each day, means nothing. Of course it will be higher than the day before. I see cases per day, again meaningless because testing is increasing so of course cases per day will increase. What I can't find is cases per day per 100k tests. Has anyone seen this so we have an idea if cases are still increasing, leveled off, etc? I can find it by country on one given day, useless. Can't find it on a daily calendar over the past couple weeks or a month. Be nice to find it on a state level, or better, county level. So my worry is not knowing what's REALLY going on. The data given seems tailored to have us believe it is now getting worse so we need to go back to a hard lockdown again. I'm not buying it til I see useful data with a denominator that puts the numbers in perspective with the testing variable.
@markn6262 How's this?
Somehow I doubt cases could be confirmed without testing...Maybe the US can dump some of those 29M hydroxychloroquine doses they bought in error to those countries affected by malaria.
@provels Certainly cases canโt be reported without testing. The link just provides more totals. No numbers are denominated to the # of tests done. Example, if 1 confirmed case in 10 tests on day 1. Then 10 confirmed cases with 100 tests on day two well 10 is worse than 1 right? No, the rate of new cases is the same on day 2 compared to day 1. Maybe this simplification may clarify my worry.
@markn6262 Perhaps I misunderstand, but what's wrong with the charts?
@provels 10% is 10%. Have you seen a chart showing "Daily New Cases per 100k Tested"? This chart is missing the denominator so it provides no perspective to the testing variable. It would be an accurate representation of new cases if from Jan22 til Jun24 they tested exactly the same number of people each day.
Yes, having only positive cases without knowing the total tested is only partially revealing. Percentage of tests positive is potentially more revealing. Problem is the ridiculous, stupid, relaxation of the standards that has allow every testing outfit/pharma corp to dump an unproven test (PCR and Antigen) into the market. At this point I would trust the judgement of a presumptive positive diagnosis by a clinician over the highly selective but not very sensitive testing crap that is out there. The negative test results aren't worth reporting as they are likely to be false negative.
The random nature of testing is also problematic. The sample of people being tested isn't a representative sample. Well insured white people get tested. Others not so much. A coordinated, statistically valid, testing strategy (a good, sensitive, antigen test) of the population is need to establish a baseline and then that sample group needs to be repeatedly tested over time. That's been done in some states, NY and NJ, with good results. To not do this on a national level is scandalous, incompetent and just plan stupid.
Even hospitalization rates are not totally revealing. A significant percentage (~43% by one account I have seen) of deaths happen in managed care facilities. These facilities almost never move a resident to the hospital, so not counted as a hospitalization. More profitable to treat in place.
Dead is dead. Or is it? We may never know the actual death rate as many states only report the death if the person was tested before death. Too many people only seek care once they are in respiratory distress. They die before getting tested and presumptive Covid deaths are often not tallied.
At the end of the day the biggest danger right now is BS. BS is BS and you can't BS your way out of a pandemic. Are we great yet?
Followeth The Money
By Gemma Correll
No. I am not worried about the 'rona.
Watch it magically disappear as a problem on 2020-11-04. Wait for it.
@Derelict LOL, what date format is that? November 4 or April 11??
is like Hungarian
YYYY-MM-DD. Pretty sure it's an RFC. Not sure which one.
I say, Hungarian (I was born there) -
All I know is it is the only unambiguous way to represent a date. For you non-US folks that is the day after the next election of the CEO of the federal government of the United States.
the Hungarian people - logical people
We have 14 a Nobel laureate Not to mention Neumann He was born there too
we fully agree with that "next election of the CEO" .......................