Huawei ME909s-120 performance and firmware
What kind of performance do you have with this card? I got around 5 Mbps up and 5 down which is significantly worse than I get with a phone with the same subscription. I've checked that both the phone and the card is on LTE band 7.
Also I can't seem to trigger updateds, I get error 13 which I don't really know what it is. Does anyone know what this error means?
@cap said in Huawei ME909s-120 performance and firmware:
What kind of performance do you have with this card?
it is not that, you can install any hardware....? -
More info needed there. What exactly are you trying to do with that command? You have link to any docs explaining it?
@stephenw10 said in Huawei ME909s-120 performance and firmware:
More info needed there.
many times the posts, they (posts) just run out
through the system...(W/O success)
you are in good hands @stephenw10I'm looking for unanswered posts, so we can help... (maybe)
Sorry, two questions. First one about the performance users of this card are getting and the 2nd about the update process.
For the update process I'm following this guide (page 147).
I connect to the modems serial interface using cu -l /dev/cuaU0.2 and issue the command described in the 21.5.1 in the manual to update the firmware of the modem with the answer ^FOTASTATE: 13,13 is as far as I understand 1st 13 indicates error and the 2nd 13 is specific for sim error but I have no issues with accessing the internet via this card so the error makes little sense to me.
I'm not sure I understand the link, I got the modem working without any fixing other than setup of PPP interface so I don't really need a work-around to get it going (on 2.4.5-RELEASE-p1).
The modem I have is
ME909s-120 Mini PCIe
Revision: 11.617.01.00.00 -
Error 13 seems more likely to be a general query failure. It's not possible to update via whatever carrier/APN you're connected to.