WAN connection retry / General behaviour.
Could someone please take me through the WAN connection / reconnection procedure. As in if the WAN goes down for any reason does pfsense keep trying the connection periodically until it comes up again?
I have deployed a site remotely and have to check if it could be something like the WAN giving up on connecting once the WAN goes down for some reason.
I have always wondered what the behaviour of a failed WAN ADSL connection is with regard to re-connection having established the ADSL again.
It would usually continue to try to connect unless it's been specifically configured not to. Or some error crashes the connection scripts etc.
Is that remote site failing? Check the system logs and dhcp or ppp logs depending on the connection.
@stephenw10 Many thanks for the swift reply .
Unfortunately the site is unreachable : . The WAN connection is routed through a huge network fabric down into a server room patch panel. Essentially bringing in RJ45 for the modem / to RJ45 for WAN.
I'm currently investigating with the site I.T if this is an ADSL issue / a fabric issue as in there is an issue with the actual cable or something similar. If they can confirm that there is nothing wrong with the ADSL up to the modem then its a trip out to the site form me
I hold pfsense in very high regard and have been using it for years. Fingers crossed this is a BT or fabric routing issue. When it comes back up be it through their intervention or mine I will consult the logs be it remotely or locally.
Cant think why I haven't asked this before (maybe I have). I have 2 pfsense boxes here at the office and the uptime is ridiculous (that being very good). Dual wan with failover is great.
Ah, so the modem is local to the pfSense box or at some distance near the master socket?
I assume then you are using PPPoE directly from pfSense?
We have seen reconnect issues with PPPoE in the past but AFAIK there are none in 2.4.5p1.
I use DSL from BT here and it reconnects on the rare occasions it goes down.
@stephenw10 it's the latest version running in one of these. Yes DSL and I haven't had any issues at all in the past with the connection just re establishing after a connection snafu.
Not had any issues with this hardware. As I say fingers crossed it's not the box / pfsense but the cabling. Could be the modem but I doubt it never had and issue with them.
@stephenw10 just to follow up on this whilst I have an open question in general. It was the clients broadband that was at fault. Having done some digging they got the line back up and PF sprung to life. That site has had up times of nearly a year before. A real testament to the kit and OS (PF).