XG-7100 10Gbit bottle neck
We have a 10Gb internet connection from our ISP. When directly connected to the ISP we acheive around 9.5Gb throughput which is very good and expected.The XG-7100 is connected via SFP to the ISP. The interfaces are showing no errors. The XG-7100 also has an intel optical card upgrade to provide a further two SFP ports, each with 10Gb SFP's in.
Using the same test computer as was used directly connecting to the ISP the throughout drops to aorund 900Mb.
Using iperf3 in a SSH driectly on the netgate the throughput is -
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr
[ 5] 0.00-10.00 sec 1.76 GBytes 1.52 Gbits/sec 298 sender
[ 5] 0.00-10.00 sec 1.76 GBytes 1.52 Gbits/sec receiverUsing the test computer directly connected to the ISP -
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr
[ 5] 0.00-10.00 sec 100 GBytes 9.52 Gbits/sec 298 sender
[ 5] 0.00-10.00 sec 100 GBytes 9.82 Gbits/sec receiverThe bottle neck seems to be the netgate. This is straight out the box.
Does anyone have any tuning tips to improve the throughput?
10Gbit/s is only available with a NIC with SFP+, with SFP+ Transceiver modules and a suitable LWL cable with suitable connectors.
You are using SFP Nic and Transceivers, which is only capable of 1 Gbit/s traffic.
Please check if Pfsense shows the right interface speed.
I suspect the OP is using SFP to indicate either SFP or SFP+ here.
I would certainly check the link speed though, 900Mbps seems suspiciously like 1G.
Also check the flow control settings, they are likely enabled by default and can be a problem in some setups.