Dynamic dns multi wan
Add a static route for the update server pointing to the WAN2 gateway. -
Okay, but the update server is the pfsense itself.
pfSense insn't a dynamic DNS server. -
Pfsense has that functionality at services.
You're talking about this
?That is the client config page as you can read. You may add here clients to update dynamic DNS services.
And for the server used in your client you should add a static route. -
Yes, I talked about that, but if I add a static route to pfsense to my dnydns server that won't affect the ip lookup only the interface where the update sent from. So if I do that it will still use my primary wan's ip.
Doesn't your dynamic DNS service use that IP, where the update request comes from?
@viragomann Yes, but the pfsense caches the primary wan's ip, so it wont't send update when the second wan's ip changes.
Even when you select the second WAN at "Interface to monitor" in the dynDNS client settings? -
Yes, I selected the second wan at the send from and at the interface to monitor, added a static route, and the cached ip is the first wans ip, but the ddns has the right ip, because the request was sent from the second wan. So it works, but it won't update when the ip changes, because te pfsense monitors the primary wan.