Looking for inexpensive fanless PC
I'm looking for an inexpensive (hopefully less than $300, possibly up to $400) to run pfSense on. Less than 50 PCs/servers going through it, and some VPN but not a lot. I'd really like something with a regular VGA port, having to hook up a PC + serial cable + software in an emergency doesn't sit with me well.
Anyone had experience with the products from this company? http://www.ewayco.com/ Looks interesting and inexpensive, but they are in Taiwan, and I don't see any easy way to order.
I also came across this http://herologic.com/oscommerce/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=1_34&products_id=58
which looks pretty good, but it still doesn't have a VGA port. Also I'm guessing I couldn't run the BandwidthD module on a box like that, because it writes a lot of data files.
HeroLogic has pin headers to connect a keyboard and monitor to it and has the facility to attach a laptop drive to allowing full installations. This would allow you to install packages if you like.
You could look here http://www.hacom.net/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=153 at the Lex Neo, but it breaks the bank.
Maybe the http://www.fit-pc.com will fit :)
http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,7412.0.html -
Wow, the fit-pc looks awesome. But its only a 500Mhz AMD Geode. I don't really know how that compares to anything else, but I see the pfSense docs recommend at least a Pentium II. Anyone know how a 500Mhz Geode compares to that?
Wow, the fit-pc looks awesome. But its only a 500Mhz AMD Geode. I don't really know how that compares to anything else, but I see the pfSense docs recommend at least a Pentium II. Anyone know how a 500Mhz Geode compares to that?
Plenty of us are running pfSense very happily on Alix 2c3s, which also have 500 MHz Geodes in them. They have serial consoles not VGA, though, and if you were looking for a hard drive rather than flash, forget it. :-)
I ended up ordering two ALIX 2C3's from here: http://www.netgate.com/product_info.php?cPath=60_88&products_id=652
These come with pfSense preinstalled on a flash card, so I won't have to mess with the serial port - just hook it up and browse to the WAN interface on Whoo!